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Wellness Wednesday

Coach Tavia

"If you sweat, you clean your skin, you are energizing your body and your brain functions well."

-Debbie Allen

When was the last time you had a good sweat?

The key word is "good".

Whats good about sweating?

Pause right here... lets clear our minds and be present... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...

Queen Debbie Allen, actress, dancer, choreographer, television director, producer, and former member of the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities, knows what she's talking about.

sweat | v: to excrete moisture through the pore of the skin... to labor or exert oneself so as to cause perspiration

We learned in health class that sweat is the physical evidence of our body's built in cooling system. But perhaps you were not aware the many benefits that sweating has on our well-being.

10 Amazing Benefits of Sweating You Didn't Know: (Lifehack by Lisa Stewart)

1. Sweat glands help you heal- Sweat glands, which exist in the millions on our skin, host an important reservoir of adult stem cells which aid in the process of wound closure.

2. Toxin release- We literally release toxins from our system using sweat as the conduit.

3. Sweating as an antibiotic- Sweat spreads highly efficient antibiotics onto our skin. Antibiotic agents secreted in sweat glands, rapidly and efficiently kill invaders.

4. The enemy of kidney stones is an amazing sweat benefit- Research shows that regular exercisers and dedicated water drinkers flush their system more efficiently and help control the onset of kidney stones.

5. Regular physical training produces amazing sweat glands- Our body's incredible anticipation of these sessions allows it to begin cooling earlier increasing the actual size of sweat glands to keep up with the body's needs.

6. Pollutants and the sweating benefit of cleansing- Sweat glands tend to be one of the ways our bodies rids itself of BPA, DEHP and other environmental toxins we have been subjected to in recent years.

7. Sweat is happy juice for the brain- Your endorphin level is unique. Trial and error will lead to finding the right kind of physical activity that will induce your very own brain "opiates" and get you hooked on feeling the "rush" after sweating it out.

8. Pain, pain go away- Exercise endorphins are not only mood enhancers, but also natural pain relievers. Exercise stimulates neurochemical pathways in the brain, resulting in the production of endorphins that act as natural painkillers.

9. The Zit Hit is a sweat benefit- By opening up your pores, the perspiration process helps them release the grit and grime that holds in bacteria which leads to Zits.

10. Sweating as our own HVAC system- Regular exercise, which keeps our sweat glands in tip top shape, help our bodies regulate its temperature more easily in these modern society environment (i.e. cold offices, hot automobile interiors, menopause, etc.).

The benefits of sweating are undeniable.

Today's Challenge: 2020 is here. Time to commit to some form of regular activity and exercise and actually work up a sweat!

  • Make a commitment, your choice

  • Write it down

  • Post it somewhere visible

  • Find an accountability partner

  • Get moving

Be intentional...encourage others to do the same and watch what happens...

How will you incorporate exercise and sweating into your life?

What's your plan?

You got this!

Coach Tavia

Related Article: 10 Amazing Benefits of Sweating You Didn't Know:




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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