“Nutrition is the only remedy that can bring full recovery and can be used with any treatment. Remember, food is our best medicine!”
– Bernard Jensen
How does the quote above resonate with you?
Pause here and free yourself from distraction: (*from Gay Hendricks)
Set the timer on your phone for 1 minute: For the next sixty seconds, leave yourself alone...
Take a break from wanting... doing... wishing... judging...
Take a break even from accepting yourself. Just let yourself alone...
Concentrate... Just breathe
Calm your mind and be present.
Good Day All... Nutrition and hydration... we know the benefits of them both. We hear news reports and have read articles about each, but are we taking them serious enough? In reading the chapter on nutrition and hydration in, Your Time to Thrive: End burnout, increase well-being, and unlock your full potential with the new science of Microsteps, the author stated something quite profound: "Our eating and drinking choices can provide instantaneous changes for better and for worse in our mood, energy, and performance." I read it twice and had to really think about how true the statement was.
What are some eating choices you make that leave you feeling unhealthy, depleted, or unfulfilled? Sit with this question for a moment... Think about how to answer... jot them down...
Now lets take it a bit further...
How might these choices be connected to your environment and daily habits... even habits that have nothing to do with food? Are you an emotional eater... too busy to think about healthy choices... do what everybody around you does... Give this some thought...
No matter what your relationship is with nutrition and hydration, we can agree there is room for improvement. It can be overwhelming at times just thinking about where to start and how to stay of track. Here are some Microsteps I believe will help:
Microsteps to help improve your relationship with nutrition and hydration:
(**From: Marina Khidekel and the editors of Thrive Global)
1. Swap a healthy treat for your go-to sugary comfort food: Find a delicious snack that still feels like an indulgence but without the processed sugar.
2. Swap one sugary beverage a day with water: Sugar is proven to increase inflammation in our bodies, which limits our immune response.
3. Read the label on a food item in your home you think I’d healthy: Many foods, even though labeled as healthy, are loaded with sugar. Boot your awareness to make better choices in the future.
4. Sit down when you eat even for a few minutes: Mindless eating can lead us to consume more calories and experience bloating. Choose a place to eat that is not the same place you work.
5. Drink a glass of water when you wake up in the morning: Before you check your phone, make a point to hydrate and replenish what was lost while you were sleeping.
6. Keep a reusable water bottle at your desk and fill it each time you get up to use the restroom: Refilling your bottle throughout the day will provide you with much needed breaks and opportunities to connect with others.
7. Schedule an afternoon water break: Studies show that mild dehydration can present as hunger and can even lead to overeating.
8. At each meal, note the flavor, look and texture of your food: Being mindful of the experience of eating can help you feel more satisfied by nutritious foods.
9. Restore your energy and maintain hydration through the day by eating water-rich foods: celery, strawberries, oranges...
10. Bring your lunch to work, even just once a week: Take control and be intentional about what you put in your body by packing your own lunch.
“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”
– Thomas Edison
Today's Challenge: Make a commitment to improving your relationship with nutrition and hydration. Start today!
Add 1 Microstep to your daily routine. Create good habits
Choose an accountability partner.
Leaders: Consider sharing this blog with your team of those you supervise. It takes a village!
What are you willing to do? Don't miss your opportunity...
Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens...
You got this!
Coach Tavia
#selfcarematters, #yourchoice, #learnandgrow, #personalgrowth, #selfawarness. #intention, #commitment, #leadershipdevelopment, #powerforward, #microsteps, #honoryourself, #selfimprovement, #leadbyexample, #creategoodhabits, #lifecoach, #leadershipcoach, #hydrate, #live, #thrive
*Hendricks, Gay; A Year of Living Consciously: 365 Daily Inspirations for Creating a Life of Passion and Purpose. Harper Collins New York, NY , 1998
**Marina Khidekel and the editors of Thrive Global: Your Time to Thrive: End burnout, increase well-being, and unlock your full potential with the new science of Microsteps.