"... At the core of the connection between our well being and performance is sleep."
-Marina Khidekel and the editors of Thrive Global
Not sure why sleeping gets such a bad rap. We tend to glorify lack of sleep... Brag about it...
*Marina Khidekel and the editors of Thrive Global point out how we've come to believe the delusion that we can either get we the sleep we need or we can succeed at work--but we can't do both.
Yet, research proves getting enough sleep has many benefits: (**from health.gov)
Boosts our immune system, get sick less often, and lowers the risk of serious health problems like diabetes and heat disease
Reduces stress, improves our mood, get along better with people
Improves of performance at school and work
We make better decisions and avoid injuries
On average, how many hours of sleep do you get each night? 7-8 hours is suggested for most adults... Be honest...
On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is sleep to you? Something to think about and put in perspective...
*What are some of the biggest challenges you face that keep you from getting enough sleep? Consider both home and work scenarios...
*What environmental factors make it harder for you to sleep? Physical environment... Location... your bedroom...
*What are some of the limiting beliefs you have around sleep or sleep messages that have stuck with you? Examples: "sleeping is time wasted", You believe you don't need as much sleep as other people... You equate sleep with laziness or lack of dedication...
Scientific research continues to confirm the positive connection between performance and sleep. Sleep has become a hot topic of conversation among many results driven leaders as they've come to realize the direct connection between sleep and decision making, productivity and other measures of success. Perhaps we can't get rid of the old mindset that; we can either get the sleep we need or we can succeed at work--but we can't do both... But we can consider a few Microsteps to improve the quantity and quality of the sleep we are currently getting.
Microsteps: Suggestions from Your Time to Thrive: End Burnout, Increase Well-being, and Unlock your Full Potential with the New Science of Microsteps:
1. Before bed, escort your devices out of your bedroom. Disconnecting from the digital world will help you sleep better.
2. Set an alarm for thirty minutes before your bedtime. Setting an alarm reminds you to start wrapping things up if you're going to get to bed on time.
3. Set a daily caffeine cutoff. Caffeine hinders our ability to fall asleep. Switch to decaf after 2PM.
4. Conduct a sleep audit. Identify where on the spectrum of quality and quantity you fall in order to select the needed Microsteps to get better sleep.
5. Rid your room of unwanted noise. Sound is one of the simplest and most direct impediments to deep sleep.
6. Set a news cutoff time at the end of the day. Setting healthy limits to our media consumption can help have a recharging night's sleep and put stressful news into perspective.
7. Keep your bedroom cool (between 65-69 degrees). Research shows even a small drop in our body temperature sends a sleep signal to our brains.
8. Wear dedicated sleepwear to bed. When you get dressed for sleep, it sends a sleep-friendly message to your body.
9. Sip chamomile of lavender tea to ease yourself into sleep mode. Drinking something warm and comforting can put you in a calm frame of mind and help rid your daytime worries.
10. Ease yourself into sleep by meditating. A few deep breaths will help ease your transition to sleep. If you don't meditate, try playing a guided sleep meditation on your iPod or similar device.
11. Before you go to sleep, take 60 seconds to write down a list of three things you need to do tomorrow. Research show that writing down your key priorities can help you fall asleep faster than reflecting on completed activities or things that already happened.
Today's Challenge: Commit to making sleep a necessary priority!
Set a Sleep goal. Schedule it! Select a Microstep and add it to your calendar.
Choose an accountability partner to check in with.
Leaders: Create good habits and share what you are doing with your family and those you lead.
What are you willing to do?
Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.
You got this!
Coach Tavia
#selfcarematters, #shareyourgifts, #lifecoach, #leadershipcoach, #learnandgrow, #personalgrowth, #selfawarness. #intention, #commitment, #leadershipdevelopment, #powerforward, #microsteps, #yourchoice, #honoryourself, #selfimprovement, #leadbyexample, #creategoodhabits
*Marina Khidekel and the editors of Thrive Global: Your Time to Thrive: End burnout, increase well-being, and unlock your full potential with the new science of Microsteps.
**10 Reasons Why Good Sleep is Important