"Wellness encompasses a healthy body, a sound mind and a tranquil spirit. Enjoy the journey as you strive for wellness.”
-Laurette Gagnon Beaulieu
How do the words above resonate with you?
Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:
Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
The mind body spirit connection is something to consider as we continue to navigate through the stress of a global pandemic and the fight for equal justice...
Mind, body, and spirit are the three pillars of holistic health and healing. It is believed that the three aspects of self: physical, mental, and spiritual - combine to make us who we are, as well as inform and inspire our experience:
For thousands of years, indigenous peoples have understood the unity of mind. body, and soul within each individual as well as the individual being a connected part of 'all that is'. You could no more separate a sentient being from the whole of creation any more than you could separate mind from body or spirit. It has been part of their belief and healing systems for thousands of years. To strengthen and reinforce this understanding, they took part in elaborate rituals to make the mind work to heal the body. (by Val Silver)
To achieve wellness you must believe it is possible, clear your mind of negative thoughts, and be willing to do the work to sustain positive changes:
Affirm with me:
“I am willing to change... I am willing to release all resistance.”
_Louise Hay
Louise Hay believes the quickest way to get results with affirmations is to look yourself straight in the eye and make a positive declaration about yourself.
Considering the mind ~ body ~ spirit connection, what part of your being may need some extra attention?
Think about that for a moment...
Sound Mind:
...Is your mind filled with negative thoughts... bad mood...
I am full of empowering thoughts from the moment I wake up.
I have the power to change my life by changing my thoughts.
Healthy Body:
...Are you tired... experiencing physical pain... carrying extra weight..?
I love and care for my body and it cares for me.
My body is healed, restored and filled with energy.
Tranquil Spirit:
...Are you grumpy... no fun to be around... assume or see the worst in others...
I step outside, bringing tranquility with me into the world.
I discover peace in those around me and respond to them with peace.
How will you improve your journey as you strive for wellness?
...What are you willing to do..?
Today’s Challenge: Powerful Positive Declarations!
Decide which aspect of your life needs the most attention. You can't change what you don't acknowledge.
Review the affirmations under the appropriate heading or you may choose one of your own.
Stand in front of the mirror ( no excuses, use an app or the camera on you mobile phone)
Put your hand on your throat look yourself straight in the eye and repeat the two affirmations.
Be loud and proud... make a positive declaration to yourself!
Don’t miss your opportunity! Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.
You got this!
Coach Tavia
Related Articles:
The Mind Body Spirit Connection:
How To Use Positive Affirmations for Health, Fitness, And Happiness:
#wellnesswednesday, #learnandgrow, #leadbyexample, #behappy, #mindbodyspirit, #mindfellness, #lifecoach, #youmatter, #healthandwellness, #levelup, #fighttowin