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Wellness Wednesday

Coach Tavia

“The turbulence of our times demands we find a firm place to stand so that we may reach for our highest potential.”

How does the quote above resonate with you?

Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:

Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...

Reread the quote above and let it sink in...

Where do you stand?

Think about it... what are you feeling... how are you processing it all...

How firm is your ground?

is your footing secure... solid rock... or sinking sand..?

What are you reaching for?

Your passion... the things that matter most to you...

We can't loose sight of the things that matter most to us. We must take care of ourselves if we are to take care of each other.

The fact is, we are all experiencing trauma simply by being citizens of this broken country. Those who are out fighting for change, essential workers, health care professionals, teachers, administrators, managers, executives, mothers, fathers, every citizens in this fight... YOU MUST take care of yourself.

“Self-care” matters! Don’t dismiss it’s importance. Ryan Stopera, social worker, community organizer in Minneapolis, and board member of MN Neighborhoods Organizing for Change, shares these 8 tips:

Self Care in Turbulent Times: 8 Ways to Take Care of Yourself:

1. Turn off social media: It's a strange compulsion to feel the need to constantly connect to information that only makes you feel bad. Commit to one day with no social media. Then see if you can work up to an entire weekend.

2. Breathe: Search for calm in your down time. Take a beat, breathe, meditate, or do nothing and bask in it.

3. Be alone: When was the last time you sat on a bench and just felt the sun on your face, went for a walk to nowhere in particular, or did whatever you wanted to do by yourself? It's amazing how much you heal when you allow yourself to be in tune you.

4. Be with others: Be with those who do not take more energy than they give. Energy is neither created or destroyed. Surround yourself with people who bounce positive energy between you and them. Be with those you trust. Speak unapologetically about what you are feeling and process it. Don't go through it alone.

5. Make art for nobody: Art is relative and is creation. Everyone is an artist, whether you paint, make music, write, perform, or make people laugh, Creativity uses a part of our brains that for many, has been in hibernation after years of cubicle conditioning. Make art for someone or for no one. It's the process that's important.

6. Dance: Dance like nobody is watching! Most of us can relate to the feeling of physical exhaustion and emotional well-being after a night of dancing. It connects us to our raw humanity.

7. Be outside: Get outside. Listen to music in the city, go on a hike, or lay on a bench. There are a hundred things to do, at any given moment, outside, and in a few months we will be stuck in the house again. Allow yourself the time to be outside and soak up some vitamin D.

8. Spend time with youth: Youth are everything. Their light and love is a reminder that we all enter this world without judgement, cynicism, or hate. Their ability to be joyful in such a dark time can be a reminder that we can find moments of hope and embrace it! Listening to our youth can teach us a lot.

As you fight to make it a better world... take time to enjoy it!

It’s time... don’t miss your opportunity.

How will you implement self-care into your daily routine?

...start today... what will you do?

Today's Challenge: Commit to doing one of the 8 suggestions above TODAY:

  • Make a choice, pick one or more if you're an overachiever...

  • Take a picture or video while actively engaged in the activity

  • Post it to inspire others to do the same

  • Share today's blog with at least 3 others. let's spread the joy TODAY

It's okay for us to take time to turn off the world. Appreciate what is in front of you and smile.

Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.

You got this!

Coach Tavia

Related Article:

Self Care in Turbulent Times




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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