“Stop lying to yourself. When we deny our own truth, we deny our own potential.”
― Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience
How does the quote above resonate with you?
Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:
Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
What are you lying to yourself about?
...think about that for a moment... big or small... be honest with yourself...
Why the lie?
... dig deep... who is the lie serving..?
Honesty is the best policy and the truth will set you free are sayings we’ve all heard before. There has been much research done that supports both statements. We all know we shouldn’t lie. We are taught at a very early age not to, yet most of us do it anyway. Research shows that most people tell 1 to 2 lies a day. [2}
We make a thousand excuses why we lie... convincing ourselves it’s okay:
It was a little “white lie” no big deal...
I didn’t want to set I trouble
I did’t want to hurt her feelings
What excuses have you given for not telling the truth?
can you add to the list above...?
The truth if the matter is, lying could be affecting your brain and body.{2}
When you lie your brain is overwhelmed:
The second that lie leaves your lips, your body releases cortisol into your brain.
Your memory goes into overdrive trying to remember both the lie and the truth.
Decision making becomes more difficult
You could even project your discomfort as anger.
When you lie, your stress increases: Stress has negative consequences on your health
It can increase your blood pressure
Cause headaches and lower back pain
Reduce your white blood cell count (you need these to fight illness).
Mental energy giving you anxiety and in some cases, depression.
Can affect your digestion, resulting in diarrhea, upset stomach, nausea, and cramps.
“Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving.”
― James E. Faust
How will you make honesty a priority?
Think about this seriously...
Lifehack.com has these suggestions: {2}
Tell yourself you want to be more honest and make a conscious effort to cut down on your lying. Think twice before responding to a question.
Spend time with people who value the truth. Having friends who prefer to hear the truth and who encourage you to tell the truth can be motivating.
If all else fails, think of your health. You owe it to yourself.
Your health is important because you matter! Here are 10 benefits I hope will motivate you to making honesty more of a priority:
10 Benefits to Being Honest: [1]
1. Honesty promotes authenticity. If you want people to know who you really are, be honest in your self-expression. #ownyourtruth, #beautifullyandwonderfullymade, #authenticityissexy
2..Honesty fosters courage. It takes an immense amount of courage to say what you feel but the payoffs are enormous. #becourageous,
3. Honesty shows you care. Being honest with yourself and with others shows how much you care. It demonstrates self-respect and respect for others.
4. Honesty creates a circle of love. Honesty sets an example that invites others to imitate. When people respond with honesty it creates more interpersonal closeness and authenticity. #relationships, #spreadlove
5. Honesty shows maturity and self-acceptance. A mature person conveys honest expression in a style that minimizes painful impact. #learnandgrow, #maturity, #whenyouknowbetterdobetter
6. Honesty fosters connection. It forms a context for the relationship where both parties feel secure enough to be genuine in their interactions. Such a relationship can invite and empower each party to work through some highly personal issues.
7. Honesty feels exhilarating because it is so freeing. Being authentic and saying what you feel and think feels great! By doing so, you break free of the limitations of fear.
8. Honesty eliminates garbage. Being honest from the beginning of any interaction prevents the build-up of emotional garbage and cleans out your emotional gunnysack.
9. Honesty attracts honesty. If honesty becomes an unconscious habit, you will become very attractive to other honest people. A life filled with authentic people is vastly enriched. #thelawofattraction, #youarewhatyouattract
10. Honesty can keep you out of trouble. From the start, don’t even go there. Keep a clean slate by staying honest. #getofftoagoodstart, #beginwiththeendinmind, #keepyoureyesontheprize
Today’s Challenge: “Surrender” Know it will be okay. [3]
One of the big delusions of life is thinking we have control over how other people feel... we will try to hide the truth so people will feel the way we want them to feel.
As you go through the day make a conscious effort to seek opportunities express honesty and allow others to do the same:
Commit to being open to opportunities to tell the truth and hear the truth from others.
Speak the truth simply, and leave room in the conversation for others to do the same.
Example: To the grocery store clerk:
“I feel pressured when it’s crowded like it is today. Do you ever feel that way?”
Surrender, and be open to engage in the conversation wherever it leads...
You got this
Coach Tavia
#wellnesswednesday, #bewell, #youmatter, #focus, #justdoit, #leadbyexample, #leadershipdevelopment, #leadershipcoach, #lifecoach, #healthandwellness, #letsgo
Related Articles:
1. 10 Benefits to Being Honest
2. When You Lie Your Brain is Actually Suffering
3. Today’s Challenge is from: Gay Hendricks, A Year of Loving Consciously