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Wellness Wednesday

Coach Tavia

“Words are like food. They contain information that either releases and liberates and creates possibilities and development or locks you into unhealthy patterns you can’t change.”

-Thorbjorg Hafsteinsdottir

How does the quote above resonate with you?

Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:

Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...

Words have power. They can build you up or take you down. What we think becomes what we believe and can have either a positive or a negative impact on both our mental and physical well-being.

Steve Sisgold, in an article in Psychology Today, refers to limiting beliefs as the "buzz killer". Beliefs can influence your perceptions, define for you what is good, bad, true, real and possible, skew your perspective in positive or negative ways, direct and/or limit the actions you take, shape your character, affect your relationships, establish a specific course you will follow, determine your health, harness or hijack your passion, lower or raise your level of happiness.

How have words and beliefs negatively impacted your success?

Think about it... spend some time here...

There is an upside. With intentional effort and consistent practice you can turn it all around. Are you ready to set yourself up for the win?

What is the positive side or your self-limiting behavior?

Hhhuummm....think about it....

10 Limiting Words You Should Never Say:

1. Have to, Need to, Must: The three dream killers and stress makers imply you have no choice, no option, that you're a victim, and you have no control over how you feel and what you want to accomplish. "Bullshit"!

Tell the truth shame the devil: Use the word "choose" in place of have to. need to. and must. Watch the pressure this change in your mindset releases and your stress level lower to the things you are resisting.

2. Should, Would, Could: Using these words implies that what you are doing right now is wrong and not in-line with what is right for you. Don't would. should, or could yourself to death!

Tell the truth shame the devil: Give yourself credit and grant yourself some grace. Remove those three words from your vocabulary. Try it for a day. I promise you the positive results will speak for themselves. The long term affects are nothing short of amazing.

3. Always and Never: When we use words like always and never, we are projecting our current thoughts onto a future situation. Unless you are a clairvoyant, you honestly don't know how things will play out.

Tell the truth shame the devil: Be present in the moment and do what feels right. Removing always and never from your vocabulary will take the pressure off of the future and open you up to being more present. in the moment.

4. But: Using the word "but" discredits the previous statement made. You make a statement, following it with the word "but" completely kills it.

Tell the truth shame the devil: Drop the word BUT! Use the word "and" instead and watch what happens.

5. Can't: There are countless things we are unable to do, yet. There is nothing you can't do unless you believe that to be true.

Tell the truth shame the devil: Reply to "can't" with "yet", and believe it will happen.

Ex: I can't run a mile yet. With consistent practice, I believe I will successfully be able to run a mile in no time!

Today's Challenge: Speak truth to power!

  • Get rid of limiting beliefs.

  • Speak positively about the outcomes you wish to achieve.

  • Intentionally choose to eliminate words from your vocabulary that are holding you back: but and can't are a great place to start, #letsgo

*Extra Credit: Write down and post the "10 Limiting Words You Should Never Say" as a reminder to yourself. Share this challenge with at least 3 other people. and hold each other accountable for using words in a positive and powerful way.

What words will you eliminate from your vocabulary today?

Be intentional and encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.

You got this!

Coach Tavia

Related Article(s):

Limited Beliefs; The Buzz Killer

10 Limiting Words You Should Never Say (hint that’s two already)




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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