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Wellness Wednesday:

Coach Tavia

“Magic lies in challenging what seems impossible.”                     – Carol Moseley Braun

How does the quote above resonate with you?

Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions: ...Take a deep breath in...  exhale slowly...  deep breath in...  exhale slowly...  deep breath in...  exhale slowly...  calm your mind and be present...

What do you wish was possible?

...think about the goals you hope to achieve....

What's holding you back?

...the obstacle(s)... is it personal... social...or environmental....

When a situation is described as challenging, it’s time to take action.  Challenge it!

challenging    |    adjective    testing one's abilities; demanding.  inviting competition; provocative.  

challenge    |    verb    invite (someone) to engage in a contest.

  • enter into competition with or opposition against.

  • make a rival claim to or threaten someone's hold on (a position).

  • invite (someone) to do something that one thinks will be difficult or impossible; dare.

  • test the abilities of.

What one needs to overcome life's biggest challenges is Persistence, perseverance, and a commitment to consistency, No matter what life throws at you, it's important to remember you always have options.

What are you willing to do to make magic happen?

...think about that for a moment...

magic    |    verb    move, change, or create

    |   noun power of influencing the course of events by using supernatural forces.

How can you channel your inner magician?

Adam Sicinski shares: 24 Ideas to Help You Overcome Life's Toughest Obstacles

1. Step Back Emotionally: Our emotional responses most often don't help the situation. Step back and strive to see the situation in an objective and logical way. Choose to stay calm and grasp your circumstances from an intellectual perspective.

2. Gain the Necessary Resources and Support: Question what pieces of the puzzle are missing. Look for the necessary tools, strategies, Knowledge and the support needed to help overcome the obstacles.

3. Acquire a Different Respective: At times obstacles are merely misunderstandings and generalizations that we have made about our circumstances. Other times they are only as real as the assumptions that are clouding our judgement. Begin to shift your perspective.

4. Seek Proper Guidance: Seek out mentors, life coaches, or experts to help you find the answers you need to achieve your goals.

5. Breathe, Take Control, and Take Action: When the unexpected happens, we often freeze and have absolutely no idea what to do. Take a moment to breathe deeply and ask yourself:

  • What is it that I control?

  • What is it that I Can't control?

  • How can I influence these circumstances?

  • Where must I look for more information?

  • How could I view this situation differently?

6. Get Your Priorities In Order: Become a lifelong learner. Acquire the knowledge and skills you need to work through life's problems more effectively. Commit to lifelong learning.

7. Assess Your Obstacles: Understand how the obstacle or challenging circumstance manifested in your life. Ask yourself:

  • What went wrong?

  • What caused or could've caused this?

  • What I do now?

Learn from your experience then use it to build next steps.

8. List Possible Options: Sometimes obstacles constrict us mentally, limiting our perspective to a confined space. Take time to explore other possibilities. Sit down with a pen and a piece of paper and ask your self over and over again:

  • How can I overcome this obstacle?

  • What options haven't I considered?

Understand what it will take to turn option into opportunities.

9. Ask Effective Questions: Asking effective questions allow you to gather new insights and perspectives. Begin to develop questions that provide you with deeper insights into the nature or your problem and potential solutions.

10. Experiment in New Directions: Use your new insight to experiment and try new things that could move you closer to reaching your goals. Challenge yourself to experiment your way through your problems.

11. Accept and Acknowledge Your Circumstances: When we deny or dismiss that a problem exists, we close ourselves off to possible solutions, answers, and opportunities that are waiting to be discovered. Accept and acknowledge the circumstance for what it is from an optimistic, solution oriented, realistic perspective.

12. Think Critically and Creatively: Without problems, there would be no need for creative or critical thought. Take time to learn and use creativity and critical thinking to your advantage when solving problems. Not always easy, but well worth your effort in the long run.

13. Take Small Steps: Break down what you need to do to overcome your obstacle into small manageable chunks. Progressively work on them one by one until you successfully reach your goal.

14. Make the Necessary Sacrifices: Sometimes it's not what you do. but rather what you let go of that has the greatest impact on your life. There is often a price for success, and you must be willing to pay in the for of change or sacrifice. Avoid the instant gratification trap.

15. Learn From Your Mistakes: Progress is built upon a myriad of mistakes we make each day. Learn the lessons in order to achieve your desired goals and objectives.

16. Keep things Simple: Simplicity is key. Keep things as simple and straightforward as possible, because the toughest of problems are often solved in the simplest of ways.

17. Cultivate Self-Belief and Self-Confidence: Your self-doubt manifesting as your critical voice will only paralyze you from within. It keeps you focused on the problem instead of a solution. Develop the necessary self-confidence and self-belief you need to help you work through your problems in more productive ways.

18. Cultivate Calmness: Calmness provides you with clarity of mind. This allows you to ask better questions, think mire creatively, critically, and effectively about your problems.

19. Develop a progressive Mindset: A progressive mindset helps you to proactively deal with the problem at hand. It asks practical questions that always look for new answers, opportunities, and solutions that are flexible, adaptable.

20. Indispensable Qualities to Cultivate: People who successfully overcome obstacles consistently cultivate the following qualities: Discipline, Commitment, Foresight, Resilience, Enthusiasm, Gratitude, Optimism, Curiosity, Patience.

21. Don't Dwell on the Negatives: We attract what we focus on. If your focus is on worst case scenarios, then your're not focusing on solutions, and if your not focusing on solutions, you will unlikely find the answers you need to overcome your problem.

22. Don't Throw Blame on Yourself or Others: Take responsibility, but don't play the victim. You can acknowledge that someone else was at fault, but understand it's often not the person but rather the system or process that led to the undesirable outcome.

23. Don't Look for Sympathy: When we look for sympathy from others, we come from the point of weakness. We display an inability to control our fate. Look to come from a place of personal empowerment, where we take full responsibility for our life and circumstances.

24. Don't Quit: No matter what, do not quit. The greatest opportunities are always intertwined with life's most significant struggles.

"If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere."

How can you make magic happen today?

...think about that... your choice... don't miss your opportunity...

Be intentional... encourage others to do the same, and watch what happens.

You got this!

Coach Tavia

Related Article:

How to Overcome the Obstacles that are Holding Your Goals Hostage!




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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