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Wellness Wednesday:

Coach Tavia

Let’s begin this moment by freeing yourself from distractions:

...Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm you mind and be present...

Today's Affirmation:

I AM the presence that organizes and harmonizes my mind, body and world to its perfect state. All is working for my highest good and all is well.

Kindly read the quote below:

“If we are creating ourselves all the time, then it is never too late to begin creating the bodies we want instead of the ones we mistakenly assume we are stuck with.” -Deepak Chopra

How do these words resonate with you?

...think about that for a moment... it's never to late...

What does the body you want look like?

...visualize it... visualization is a powerful tool...

This first day of April is Wellness Wednesday! Don't be a fool, let’s take this opportunity to refocus, Healthy eating is a good place to start;

Research shows eating healthier boost immunity. Your immune system is your body's defense against infection and illness.

What does healthy eating mean to you? know..., you definitely know what it's not...

What are your challenges to eating healthier?

...list them all... be honest with yourself... write them down... (I filled a full page on a legal pad, don't judge me...LOL)

What's your plan to overcome the challenges?

...think about it....what can you do?

A few easy tips:

1. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

  • Choose frozen over cans when fresh is unavailable.

  • Citrus fruits and berries

  • Green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, cabbage, brussels sprouts are known to be nutrient rich and contain glucosinolates, believed to inhibit the growth of certain cancers.

  • Spices like garlic, oregano, ginger have antiviral properties.

2. Protein: Lean meats, poultry, fish, plant based sources

  • Eat less meat

  • Organic, hormone free is preferred

  • Wild-caught over farm raised fish

  • beans, legumes, lentils

  • Nuts like almonds (may help reduce heart disease and diabetes risk factors), pistachios (improve cholesterol), walnuts (omega-3/benefit heart and brain health), cashews (improve blood lipid levels/reduce blood pressure), pecans (antioxidants/may lower cholesterol).

3. Carbohydrates: Don't avoid them totally

  • Choose whole grains, oats, quinoa,brown rice, and other high fiber options

  • Tubers like sweet potatoes, whole potatoes (not french fries or chips)

  • limit refined carbohydrates like white bread and things high in sugar

4. Separate Fats

  • Limit the amount of fats and fries foods you eat

  • Read labels: Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are the good fats. Found in nut and vegetable oils, oily fish like salmon. They don't raise cholesterol levels.

  • According to the American Heart Association, eating sefood with omega-3 fatty acids (salmon,sardines) twice a week may reduce the risk of certain forms of heart disease.

  • Bad Fats: Saturated and trans fats found in dairy, beef products, palm and coconut oils

5. Water Intake:

  • 64 ounces daily is the minimum

  • water helps keep things moving and curbs appetite

  • don't drink your calories. Avoid beverages high in sugar

Today's Challenge: It's never to late, Commit to a eating healthier!

  • Partner with your family or good friend and do it together. Accountability!

  • Develop a plan: set goals and write them down

  • Discuss possible challenges and strategies how to overcome them

There is no down side here. Don't miss your opportunity to create a healthier you! Be intentional and encourage others to do the same. Watch what happens.

You got this!

Coach Tavia

Related Articles:

7 Principles of Healthy Eating

15 Foods that Boost the Immune System

How to east healthy whole grocery shelves are low




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© 2019 Empower Coaching and Consulting

Created by The Clarke Groupe

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