“It’s a long old road, but I know I’m gonna find the end.”
– Bessie Smith
Pause here and free yourself from distractions:
...Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
How does the quote above resonate with you? ...Think about it seriously....
How are you feeling, really?
Its's Wednesday, the middle of the week and many are still adjusting to new routines... in spaces that have not always been shared... Some of us working from home... others out of work... Schools are closed.... kids are home... Parents balancing lots of responsibilities... cooking, cleaning, monitoring school assignments.., topped off by the wealth of information that’s difficult to escape as the world combats this COVID-19 health crisis...
I want you to breathe through it and know all will be okay.
Affirm with me:
I AM the presence that organizes and harmonizes my mind, body and world to its perfect state. All is working for my highest good and all is well.
(Repeat and take this affirmation in)
Let’s look to find opportunities for wellness this Wednesday:
Stress Well: What are some ways to ease the anxiety during this time?
Limit your intake of information: Watching the news all day increases anxiety. Minimize your exposure to social media and sensationalized news stories. Resist the urge to track the latest number of infections.
Select reputable sources to receive information: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the World Health Organizations would be the top two.
Schedule it: Twice daily is the suggestion. Once in the morning and once in the evening should suffice.
Mind Well: How can one work to achieve mindfulness during this time?
Stay focused in the present moment: when we stay grounded in the present moment it is easier to manage our associated thoughts and emotions. Remember, this situation is evolving rapidly. It's NOT helpful to think or worry too far ahead.
Take advantage of stress management techniques: Meditation, deep breathing, and journaling are easy and accessible. There are many apps available to make it easier.
Journaling: Write about how your routines have changed, how this impacts your life compared to others, what has surprised you about societies response, how you are working to make the situation better, and what you are learning from this experience. This will help you gain some perspective while providing you a priceless memoir of your personal experience during this time.
Gratitude: This is a great time to practice gratitude and remind ourselves whats truly important. Spend some family time discussing things you're grateful for... get everyone involved.
Eat Well: How can one maintaining a healthy diet during this time?
Plan ahead: Make a list and stick to it. limit your excursions to the grocery store. Consider online grocery shopping or home delivery options. Minimize your reliance on takeout and drive-thrus. Limit junk-food. Add healthier choices like fruit, raw vegetables, and nuts to your list.
Take inventory and get creative with cooking: Choose a recipe cite where you can plug in ingredients you have and see what pops up.
Pay attention to portion size: It's easy to overindulge when we are cooped up. Try to maintain your regular eating habits as much as possible. Schedule meal and snack times for your family.
Move Well: How can one benefit from physical activity during this time?
Exercise: An excellent way to relieve stress, boost mood, improve sleep, promote physical wellness and have fun!
Spend time in nature: Experience even grater healing by getting some fresh air and enjoying the sun. Just be sure to maintain the recommended 6 feet of social distancing if you venture outside for a brisk walk, bike ride, jog, or run if that's your thing.
Get Creative: Invite your kids to get moving. Workout to an online video together, freeze dance, jump rope, hula hoop. Or consider making an obstacle course at your home if you have the space inside or out.
Take advantage of technology: While gyms are closed, many are online streaming classes, there are apps out there, online yoga, zumba, Tai Chi. Many ways to get it in!
Connect Well: How can one maintain their sanity at this time with social distancing and self-quarantining?
Stay in touch with family and friends: Touch base through phone calls, video chats, online games.
Slow down and take care of YOU: It's a wonderful time to read a book, do some spring cleaning, return to a hobby. That self-care you haven't made time for... do it! Connect with self.
Bond with family: Make time to laugh, love and live with each other.
My hope is that you will benefit from some of what was shared here. Life is short... Remember the things that really matter. Don't miss the opportunity here.
What will you do to make wellness a priority today?
Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.
You got this!
#wellnesswednesday, #stayconnected, #physicalfitness, #mentalhealth, #creativity, #learnandgrow, #leadbyexample, #plan, #focus, #mindfulness, #responsibility, #womenshistory, #herstory, #levelup, #justdoit, #lifecoach, #leadershipcoach, #letsgo
Coach Tavia
Related Articles:
Finding Opportunities for wellness during Covid-19 pandemic: https://m.ufhealth.org/news/2020/finding-opportunities-wellness-during-covid-19-pandemic
Fostering Wellness During the COVID-19 Outbreak: