"Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind ,and spirit... the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being."
-Greg Anderson
Good Morning All,
How will you make health and wellness a priority this year?
Lets pause here for a moment... take a deep breath... fully extend your diaphragm... exhale slowly.... repeat three times... Calm your mind and be present...
How does Anderson's quote resonate with you?
...everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being...
On a scale of 1-10. 10 being the optimal state of well-being, How would you rate yourself? ...something to take the time and really think about...
Ann Boroch, Health and Wellness expert, explains, "The way to change patterns and thoughts that are keeping you stuck, unhealthy, or afraid is by asking yourself questions to root-out beliefs that no longer serve you."
Beliefs are convictions and opinions... confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof. A mental representation pf a sentiment being's attitude towards the likelihood or truth of something.
Four Steps To Begin Making Positive Changes to Unhealthy Beliefs:
Think about an aspect of your life that you'd like to change and ultimately improve your health and well-being...
1. Break it Down:
Do I believe I can __________?
Do I believe I am not good enough to __________?
Do I believe there is no way to change my thoughts to support me ________?
Do I believe I have the courage and tenacity to __________?
Do I believe the verdict and opinions of what others say about me/my condition?
2. How do These Beliefs Currently Impact my Life?
Do my present beliefs make me happy? If not, how are they contributing to my unhappiness?
Do these beliefs ring true to me at this time? If not, why not?
Are these beliefs hand-me-downs that I received from someone else? If so, from whom did they come from?
Do these beliefs benefit my life, others' lives, and my world? If not, in what way are they detrimental?
3. Create New Beliefs:
Write down new beliefs about yourself. Some suggestions:
I now choose to believe that I have the power, tenacity, and courage to __________.
I believe my body is intelligent and knows exactly how to heal.
I honor, trust, and allow myself to be whole and balanced.
I feel safe and supported in my body.
4. Making Your Beliefs a Reality?
Affirm your new beliefs everyday with conviction and emotion by speaking out loud and visualizing.
Think and act as if these new beliefs currently exist in your life.
The 4 steps above can be instantly implemented, but really integrating significant change will take time. I challenge you to dig deep and make a commitment to yourself to make health and wellness a priority. Be intentional and watch what happens...
#levelup, #intention, #honoryourself, #selfawareness, #leadbyexample, #commitment. #justdoit, #believe, #courage, #youareenough, #power, #changeisgood, #faceyourfears
You got this!
Coach Tavia