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Wellness Wednesday

Coach Tavia

“Wellness, I came to realize, will not happen by accident. It must be a daily practice, especially for those of us who are more susceptible to the oppressiveness of the world.”

               -Jenna Wortham

How does the above quote resonate with you?

This quote caught my attention for many reasons. I think many of us take health and wellness for granted until we are faced with a personal health scare or someone close to us does. I do believe optimal health and wellness is not achieved by accident, And sadly, it is evident that there are added challenges for those who find themselves among the oppressed populations that may not have the same access to information, assistance, insurance, goods, and services for a variety of reasons...

What does wellness mean to you?

Think about that for a moment... it means different things to different people... 

Pause here... take a deep breath.... exhale slowly.... repeat three times... calm your mind and be present with your thoughts....

This year, I’d like to devote Wednesday’s to intentionally focus on health and wellness.

Health is the state of being free from illness or injury.

The word "health" refers to a state of complete emotional and physical well-being. ... Health can also be defined as physical, mental, and social well-being, and as a resource for living a full life. It refers not only to the absence of disease, but the ability to recover and bounce back from illness and other problems.

Wellness is the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.

Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices towards a healthy and fulfilling life. ... “Wellness is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” – The World Health Organization.

Where "health" is the absence of illness, injury or disease. "Wellness" is much more. Wellness includes health-promoting behaviors to achieve your full potential. Wellness is the pursuit of your best possible health and well-being. It is a conscious choice, self directed and self motivating.

As we continue to evolve and become more self aware, I'd like to ask my readers to add health and wellness to the list.

Consider that when we talk about health and wellness it is more than just the physical body. It encompasses the physical, mental. emotional and spiritual. It means moving beyond just symptoms to address diet, lifestyle, stress, exercise, negative thoughts, self-limiting beliefs, fear- based emotions in order to strive for optimal health.

How will you make health and wellness a priority this year?

Lets be intentional about improving our health and well-being. Not sure where to start:

  • Hydrate: drink a minimum of 8 8oz glasses of water a day (64oz total)

  • Reduce Stress: say no to the things that you really do not want to do

  • Laugh: Enjoy life, spend time with family and friends on purpose

You got this!

Coach Tavia




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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