“The goal in life is not to attain some imaginary ideal; it is to find and fully use our own gifts.”
-Gay Hendricks, The Big Leap
What's your unique gift? Are you fully using it?
Tony Robbins shares in an article referenced below, that millions of people around the world are unhappy in their careers because they went the “traditional route”: deciding what they wanted to do early on, going to college, taking a job in that field and then trying to work their way up the ladder. Sound familiar?
Think about your younger self for a moment. I'm sure there are things you did and decisions you made during your late teens and early twenties that you are extremely proud of. Let's not forget some others that you look back on and wonder what the heck was I thinking... lol! You are not alone.
The fact of the matter is the we are all learning and growing each day and are different people now as a result. Thank goodness we are. If you find yourself feeling stuck, unfulfilled and can't quite put your finger on why, try rediscovering your gifts.
Not sure what your gift is, Steve Harvey suggest these 3 questions to help one discover their unique gift(s): Ask yourself:
1. What can I do that I’m best at, with little effort on my part?
2. What is the one thing that other people associate with me?
3. I’ve listened to others connect this gift with me, so how have I used it?
Today's Challenge: Commit to discovering your unique gift.
Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.
You got this!
Coach Tavia
#shareyourgifts, #lifecoach, #leadershipcoach, #learnandgrow, #personalgrowth, #selfawarness. #intention, #commitment, #leadershipdevelopment, #powerforward
3 Key Questions That Will Help You Identify Your Gift
in Career & Business: How to Find Your Gift