“Magic lies in challenging what seems impossible.”
– Carol Moseley Braun
How do the words above resonate with you?
Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:
Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
It’s easy to wish things were different and want change. Watching the news can be overwhelming at times as we observe behavior that is contrary to what we know to be right. Change seems impossible. Don’t loose hope.
I challenge you to get a pen and a piece of paper and write down these questions:
Ask yourself:
What’s possible?
...in all the chaos, what do you want to see..?
Where’s your magic?
What passion, gift, or expertise do you have to lend insight to the situation... your value add...
What’s the challenge?
...what's in the way... the obstacle that needs to be removed...
we all need to challenge ourselves to create the change we seek,
11 Reasons Why You Need To Challenge Yourself To Change Yourself: (From ThoughtOSaur.com Let Your Thoughts Roar One Productive Step at a Time)
It helps you identify your personal and professional goals.
It helps you establish your priorities.
It motivates you.
It expands your mind.
With every successful change, you get gratification, a sense of contentment.
With every unsuccessful change, you learn something new to use in the next challenge.
It triggers creativity.
It will expand your social growth.
You get rid of the boredom, the drudgery, and the unhappiness.
You will lose the fear of the unknown.
It will help you achieve that big, audacious goal you have dreamt of, one small challenge at a time.
How will you challenge yourself and make what seems impossible possible?
...What are you willing to do?
Don’t miss your opportunity! Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.
You got this!
Coach Tavia
Related Article:
11 Reasons Why You Need To Challenge Yourself To Change Yourself