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Wednesday Wisdom

Tavia Robinson

“Sadly, whenever I make my opinions more important than the difficult people God made, I turn the wine back into water.”

-Bibb Goff

How do the words above resonate with you?

Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:

Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...

Well... whether the quote made you laugh or cry I am confident it’s got you thinking. We have all encountered that person, that triggers, that thing inside us, that results in actions we are less than proud of.

Think about the last time your inner beast was revealed...

What were the circumstances that triggered you?

Once the beast is out, one cannot take it back. It’s not easy to fix the negative person that presented itself.

I challenge you to be open. Forgive yourself and show yourself some self-compassion. Learn and grow. Move forward and be better prepared to handle those situations next time.

John C. Maxwell shines a light on a few personality types I believe we all can relate to:

1. The Sherman Tank: rides over people

STRATEGY: Consider the issue; stand up if important

2. The Space Cadet: lives in another world

STRATEGY: Find and develop their unique gifts

3. The Volcano: explosive, unpredictable

STRATEGY: Remove from crowd, listen, be direct

4. The Thumb Sucker: self-pity, pouts

STRATEGY: Don’t reward; expose them to real trouble

5. The Wet Blanket: always down

STRATEGY: Be honest, don’t cater; don’t let them lead.

6. The Garbage Collector: attracts the worst

STRATEGY: Challenge their statements; force honesty

7. The User: demands lots of time, energy

STRATEGY: Set boundaries; require accountability

Which personality have you met? perhaps more than one of them...

How did you handle them? Something to think about...

“Manage your relationships. Great relationships may not be profitable, but bad ones always result in losses.” -Tarun Sharma

How will you mange relationships with the various personality types that challenge you? What’s your plan..?

Don’t miss your opportunity! Be intentional... Encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.

You got this!

Coach Tavia


4 Simple and Effective Strategies to Handle Difficult People at Work

How Smart People Handle Difficult People

Maxwell, John C; Leadership Promises for Everyday, Thomas Nelson, Nashville, TN 2003




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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