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Wednesday Wisdom

Tavia Robinson

“Trust is choosing to make something important to you, vulnerable to the actions of someone else.”

-Charles Feltman

How do the words above resonate with you?

Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:

Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...

trust /noun/

firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

“Trust” is a little word that means an awful lot. We want to be able to trust others. We value the people we trust. Trust is an important and expected character trait we look for in those we build relationships with. This is true in both our personal and professional lives.

Reading “Until Today” this morning, Vanzant introduces a discussion about trust from a different perspective:

If there is something worth putting your but on the line for, you must put your but on the line.
If your but gets cut off, you must trust that you will be able to get along without it.
As long as you have a but to rest on, you will not trust yourself.
When you figure out how to get along without a but, you will know the meaning of trust.

What but are you resting on? Spend some time here... dig deep...

How will you get along without a but? Think about that for a moment... How many times during a conversation do you challenge it by saying "but"..? Where did the but go..?

To get your thoughts flowing, begin to examine your own self-trust. Take a look at these strategies you will find helpful.

How to build self-trust in seven easy steps: (

1. Make appointments with yourself: Block out the time as “unavailable” without an explanation. Keeping appointments with yourself helps you demonstrate to yourself that you are important and trustworthy.

2. Make commitments to yourself: To keep your commitments, begin by looking at your goals and breaking them down into smaller steps, then keeping track of what actually got done. Bite-size goals are a lot easier to digest.

3. Be accountable to yourself: Declare your commitments out loud to other people. It’s harder to break a commitment to yourself if you’ve taken it out of your head and put it into the world. A specific accountability partner is a wonderful way to have both social connections and do what you’ve promised to yourself.

4. The importance of results:

• Know your best strengths and work from those

• Keep yourself relevant by always being in a learning frame of mind

• Guide yourself keeping the end in mind

• Take responsibility for your results, whether the outcome is good or bad

• Expect to succeed eventually—even with many failures along the way

• Be the best you can be in whatever circumstance you find yourself in

5. What you resist, persists: Notice any resistance you felt to actually doing something you committed to doing. See if you can figure out what is getting in your way. Find a way to counteract the negative self-talk and find your own best strategies to flip that into something more positive.

6. Reward yourself: When you meet your own commitment, chose some small reward for yourself for doing it. Just make sure your reward is commensurate with the goal you accomplished.

7. Tracking your success: Create a visual reminder of how you are doing with learning to trust yourself. Consider a one-week “challenge grid” to track your actions and see how you do. Consider it a success chart.

Today’s Challenge: Devote yourself to developing a deeper level of self-trust.

  • Get beyond the but! Dig deep and analyze for yourself what “but” you’ve been resting on.

  • Review the 7 strategies above and develop a plan that works for you.

  • Share with others... Choose an accountability partner... Learn and grow together.

What are you willing to do?

Don’t miss your opportunity! Be intentional... Encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.

You got this!

Coach Tavia


Vanzant, Iyanla; Until Today: Daily Devotions for Spiritual Growth and Peace of Mind. Atria, New York, NY. 2020

How to build self-trust in seven easy steps:




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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