"There is no heavier burden than an unfulfilled potential."
-Charles Shultz
Good Morning Leaders,
Do you believe everyone has the potential to succeed?
What's your plan to lift that burden?
It starts with YOU... Think about that for a moment...
What's your responsibility here?
Author John C. Maxwell, who has written many books on leadership, reminds us that developing future leaders should be at the top of ones priority list. To do this, he states that leaders should evaluate before they empower:
Evaluate| judge the value or worth of someone... form an idea... assess... their knowledge, skill and desire:
Knowledge: Think about what people need to know in order to take on the role or assignment you are considering. Is there someone on your team that stands out as knowledgeable? Is there something that needs to be taught?
Skill: Nothing is more frustrating than being asked to do something for which you have no ability. Who on your team is highly skilled in a particular area? Have you provided the necessary training?
Desire: No amount of skill. knowledge, or potential can help if a person does not have the desire to succeed. Are you paying attention? Is it time to reassign duties or have a more serious conversation with a team member?
Taking a fresh look at this, which one of your talents can you use to improve how you are evaluating the potential of the future leaders on your team?
Empower| give someone the power or authority to do something
How will you redefine your expectations so you can confidently empower future leaders to succeed?
#leaderslead, #leadbyexample, #evaluate, #empower, #levelup, #responsibility, #corageousleadership, #payattention, #bepresent, #engage, #addvalue
You got this!
Coach Tavia