“Who knows? Life may just be a Positive Conspiracy bent on putting us in the right place at the right time every living, breathing moment of the day. It just takes a certain kind of perspective to see this. Realizing this can put our "analyzer" on hold, our interpretive mind on "ga-ga" and our hearts on breathless.” - -Antero Alli
Good Morning Leaders,
Reread the above quote and really take in the words.... read slowly again and think about what the author is saying...
What does the quote mean ... how does it resonate with you?
We’ve all heard the term, ‘everything happens for a reason’. I am a strong believer that life is one big lesson and if we are fortunate enough to see another day our job is to learn and grow and help others do the same.
In any organization, people are the most appreciable asset. What happened to training... mentorship? Many organizations have been so focused on the “bottom line” they’ve lost focus on what’s important. Emotional Intelligence EQ is: the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. Improving one's EQ is a way to strengthen your people skills and improving the climate and culture in your work environment.
Mark Manson gives us 5 Tips to Help you develop EQ:
1. Practice Self-Awareness: It involves understanding yourself and your behavior on three levels: 1) what you’re doing, 2) how you feel about it, and 3) the hardest part, figuring out what you don’t know about yourself.
How well do you really know yourself?
2, Channeling Your Emotions Well: Emotions are merely the signals that tell us to pay attention to something. We can then decide whether or not that “something” is important and choose the best course of action in addressing it—or not. There’s no such thing as a “good” or “bad” emotion—there are only “good” and “bad” reactions to your emotions.
On a scale of 1-10, how well do you channel your emotions?
3. Learn to Motivate Yourself: "The Do Something Principle" The Do Something Principle states that taking action is not just the effect of motivation, but also the cause of it. Do something that’s even remotely related to what you want to accomplish and then, action begets motivation begets action, etc.
What can you do to motivate yourself when you get stuck in a rut?
4. Recognize Emotions In Others to Create Healthier Relationships: Healthy relationships begin with recognition and respect of one another’s emotional needs You do this by connecting and empathizing with others. By both listening to others and sharing yourself honestly with others through vulnerability.
When was the last time you really listened to a co-worker, or team member and actually shared something personal with them...?
5. Infuse Your Emotions with Values: Emotional intelligence is meaningless without orienting your values. Whether we know it or not, our emotions will carry out those values through motivating our behavior in some way. In order to live the life you truly want to live, you have to first be clear about what you truly value because that’s where your emotional energy will be directed. Knowing what you truly value—not just what you say you value—is probably the most emotionally intelligent skill you can develop.
What do you value most? How have those values impacted your leadership role?
Something to think about... Work on your EQ and watch what happens...
#learnandgrow. #selfawareness, #courage, #befearless, #responsibility, #levelup, #reset, #intention, #values, #mindfulness, #vulnerability, #emotionalintelligence, #Leadership, #shareyourgifts, #lifelonglearner, #leaderslead, #beyoubutbetter, #authenticity
You got this!
Coach Tavia