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Wednesday's Wisdom

Tavia Robinson

"Get out of your head and into your life. Fight, Grind, Repeat."

-Bobby Bones

How do the words above resonate with you?

Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:

Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...

"Fight, Grind Repeat" is pretty much what life is all about.

Question: As you "Fight. Grind, and Repeat..."

Are you excited about the direction your life is moving in or, are you growing weary, on a hamster wheel, wondering when life will get easier? Be honest with yourself...

Reading Iyanla Vanzant's book this morning, Until Today: Daily Devotions for Spiritual Growth and Peace of Mind, posed this question:

How difficult have you made your life? Think about that for a moment...

What most resonated with me, as I read further was the authors discussion of the distinction between the conditions of life and the process of life. The author states:

There is a tendency to confuse the conditions of life with the process of life. When this happens life itself becomes hard to live.

The process of life: refers to taking what you have and turning it into something worthwhile

process /noun/

  • a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.

  • the series of actions that are essential for a living being to sustain.

The conditions of life: are determined by your willingness and what you tell yourself about your ability to do what needs to be done.

conditions /noun/

  • a premise upon which the fulfillment of an agreement depends.

  • a restricting or modifying factor

  • a state of being

What have you been telling yourself about your ability to improve life? Consider spending some time reflecting on this question...

Life is what you make it. How you live is a choice. Your view reflects your state of mind.

What conditions in your life would you like to change? Don't over think it... What could be improved..?

Today's challenge: if you are willing to accept it...

A 30 Day Challenge to Improve Your Life:

by Leon Macfayden,

1. Declutter Your Life: Mentally, decluttering leads to better focus, higher self-esteem, and better relationships. Declutter your life from negative influences. Learn to say no. Set boundaries and, get those draining people out of your life.

Physically, decluttering enables you to get more done faster, which vastly increases Productivity. Clean your room. Get rid of “stuff. Anything hindering you in your day-to-day life. Donate it, sell it, burn it

2. Work Hard: See what happens if you work 10 hours a day for the full 30 days. Not only will your life improve in more ways than you realize, but you will also find the freedom that comes from breaking your self-imposed limitations. If it is not possible to do your daily job for all those hours, supplement it with other kinds of work: writing, or another hobby that requires mental or physical effort. There is much more to gain than just improvement at your work. Discipline, Productivity, overcoming fear — all yours for the taking.

3. Learn New Things: There are a handful of topics that you can learn about that may change your life in 30 days. I recommend Investments and Money, time management, happiness, and sales and marketing. Read a good book: The Millionaire, Next Door by Thomas Stanley. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey, The Art of Happiness by The Dalai Lama, The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes. Reading just one of these books has the potential to make you a better person.

4. Dream Big: Spend 10 minutes a day developing your vision for the future. You can’t make changes in 30 days without giving it your all. What is your ultimate dream? These 10 minutes every day will give you something that will motivate you for years to come. You will have direction and purpose in your life. You need a destination before you work out how to get there.

5. Learn to Let Go: Practice affirming that you are ok with not having things or letting them go. This applies to both things and people. Don’t preoccupy yourself with the insecurity that comes from wanting perfection or the need to be in control. You have enough to focus on that you CAN change without worrying about what you can’t.

6. Delete or Throw Away Your Time Wasters: REMEMBER: This is only foe 30 days

  • Get rid of your phone and replace it with one that can only take calls.

  • Uninstall all programs that are time-wasting traps

  • Block all access to websites that only make you feel worse about yourself or the world in general. This is probably most news sites.

After thirty days, you might even find that you like the silence and that it is good for you not to be bombarded with a daily diet of Covid statistics, death., and other unpleasant news headlines.

7. Change Your Self-Talk: Come up with some affirmations you would like to adopt for yourself. These can tie into the future you have been working on that I mentioned earlier. The way you see the world reflects your outer reality. You cannot afford to sabotage yourself with negative self-talk before the world even gets a chance to have a pop at you. Believe you are the best. Go into each situation with confidence. If you fail, make sure you fail for external reasons and not because you brought your self-loathing with you from the start. Everything good starts with an affirmation.

8. Become Obsessed with One Topic: The actual topic doesn’t matter. What matters is that you consume it. Read every book and watch every video that you come across. Follow every tip you hear with practice. Become a master at something by fully committing yourself to it. Hold nothing back. Like the rest of this challenge, embrace it with everything you have.

*You have all the tools you need — you always did.

"You may determine what you are telling yourself about the process is becoming evident in the conditions." -Iyanla Vanzant

What are you willing to do? Your choice ...

Don’t miss your opportunity! Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.

You got this!

Coach Tavia


7 Habits That Will Improve Your Life

A 30 Day Challenge to Improve Your Life

Vanzant, Iyanla; Until Today: Daily Devotions for Spiritual Growth and Peace of Mind. Atria, New York, NY 2020.




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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