“There’s no such thing as time ‘out there’ meathead. It all comes from you. You are NOT time’s victim!” - Gay Hendricks
Good Morning “Meatheads”,
I had a good laugh when I read that line in “The Big Leap”, by Gay Hendricks.
Where are you allowing yourself to be a victim of time?
...Think about that for a moment... sit with this question, don’t dismiss it too quickly...
What was the situation when you responded, “...I don’t have time”?
I challenge you today to stop letting time be your alibi and you it’s victim.
Affirmation: I have time for everything that is important to me.
You are the source of everything. That includes time. If you think you don’t have time to do the things that are important to you, stop doing the things that aren’t.
Where are you wasting time?
Carl Pullein, productivity and time management coach shares a few tips.
How to Stop Wasting Tame and Be More Productive:
1. Have a Plan for the Day- When we don't have a plan we just drift and react to anything that comes our way and not make any progress towards our goals or purpose.
2. Be Aware of Your "Time Sucks"- How much time are you spending scrolling your social media feed... sitting in front of the TV each day... How is that serving you?
3. Begin the Day with Intention- Maximize your time by starting off with a set of meaningful intentions... (i.e. 30 minutes of exercise, an hour to work on that book you're writing or researching job opportunities..)
4. Be in a Proactive State- Don't allow events outside your control affect your mood and avoid pointless debates about politics, current affairs, or celebrity gossip.
"It's your job to show up for your own life and fight for your own dreams." -Rachel Hollis
How will your focus your time and energy today?
#learnandgrow, #practice, #focus, #youoweittoyourself, #beyoubutbetter, #youarethesource, #intention, #leadership, #followyourdreams, #dreambig, #maketimeforwhatsimportanttoyou, #timeisnow, #levelup, #plan
You got this!
Coach Tavia
Related Article:
How to Stop Wasting Tame and Be More Productive: