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Tuesday's Talk

Tavia Robinson

“Know your worth, hold your own power, be you.”

-Morgan Harper Nichols

How do the words above resonate with you?

Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:

Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...

Why do we find it so difficult to be ourselves...? We wear many masks, develop personas, get lost in the midst of it all... And, it would be fair to say, we forget who we really are... Suddenly, we believe the person we were born to be is somehow no longer good enough.

What is your definition of worth? Think about that for a minute... not the dictionary definition, how would you define "worth" in your own words...

When someone says “know your worth,” what feelings come up for you? Sit with this question for a moment... dig deep...

The Urban Dictionary explains, know your worth can be used in both positive and negative contexts. In a positive way it’s a form of both support and encouragement, you’re letting someone know they’re important. A contrasting (negative) way of using this is by implying someone is worth less than you or not worth anything.

In the book Acts of Faith, Iyanla Vanzant makes this powerful statement about one's worth:

In order to thrive rather than survive, to flourish rather than make it, to stand tall rather than just stand up, we must individually and collectively get rid of the stuff and get to the core.

What “stuff” have you been collecting over the years that has not served its purpose? Think about that for a moment... we all have "stuff". Perhaps it was stuff to hide your inner feelings... or stuff to have enough to matter...

Today’s Challenge: Get in touch with with who YOU are! Get rid of the "stuff!"

(from Iyanla Vanzant’s, Acts of Faith)

  • Make a list of all the things, beyond your possessions. that make you a worthy person.

  • No less than ten (10) items on your list.

Know your worth and others will too!

“With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.” -Dalai Lama

What are you willing to do?

Don’t miss your opportunity! Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.

You got this!

Coach Tavia


Vanzant, Iyanla; Acts of Faith: Daily Meditations for People of Color. Atria, New York, NY 2020.




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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