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Tuesday's Talk

Tavia Robinson

“Every small positive change we make in ourselves repays us in confidence in the future.”

– Alice Walker

How do the words above resonate with you?

Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:

Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...

You have the power to impact the future.

What small positive change in yourself can you make today? Sit with this question for a moment...

Iyanla Vanzant shares these words of encouragement: from, Until Today: Daily Devotions for Spiritual Growth and Peace of Mind.

Remind yourself right now that no matter what it looks like, you are doing the best you can... And getting better.
Just for today be devoted to encouraging yourself, supporting yourself and celebrating every little thing about yourself.

One step at a time... One foot in front of the other... Keep moving forward. Consistency is key!

consistent /adjective/

unchanging in nature, standard, or effect over time.

How can you be more consistent in the areas of your life that need attention?

Over time, little things make a big difference...

“The ultimate authority must always rest with the individual's own reason and critical analysis... To conquer oneself is a greater victory than to conquer thousands in a battle."

What are you willing to do?

Don’t miss your opportunity! Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.

You got this!

Coach Tavia


Vanzant, Iyanla; Until Today: Daily Devotions for Spiritual Growth and Peace of Mind. Atria, New York, NY 2020.




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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