“I’m stronger because of the hard times, wiser because of my mistakes, and happier because I have known sadness.” -Unknown
Good Morning Leaders:
Affirm with me:
All challenges are an opportunity for growth and I am thankful for the chance to evolve.
Focus your minds if you will on your professional life and work environments.
How do you react when you are faced with a challenge?
...slow down and sit with the question for a moment....
How do you handle fear?
...breathe in...exhale slowly and formulate an answer in your head...
What do you do when things go wrong?
...think about that for a moment...
No matter what your answers, you know it's okay, You survived, You are here. The key is to learn the and grow and be a better YOU as a result.
How are you showing up?
Author Robert Locke's article is a quick refresher on how to keep pushing forward:
10 Things Successful People Do When Things Go Wrong: (by Robert Locke)
They know how to adjust their goals Don't give up, have a plan B, be adaptable, resilient and determined to move forward
They are realistic optimists Research suggests optimistic people are more likely to be successful,.. be grateful for what you've achieved and concentrate on the success
They learn from their failure Be prepared to: move out of your comfort zone, take calculated risks, experience the joy of growing and fulfillment
They know that failure is a prelude to success Assess your skills,.. how can they be improved... Network...build relationships... Is there a way you cant take the initiative next time?
They ask for advice Know how to get help... Seek advice from a trusted mentor
They are persistent and courageous Never quit!
They know that nothing is wasted Push your boundaries... invests in what remains after a failure
They know when to slow down and take a break Know when to let go... take a beat.. sit back... slow down... regroup
They never blame When successful people fail, they know where to lay the blame... on themselves
They never wait for the right moment just do it
How will you be successful today?
#learnandgrow, #bethanful, #gratitude, #faceyourfears, #leadership, #leadbyexample, #beyoubutbetter, #justdoit, #levelup, #selfawareness, #evolve
You got this!
Coach Tavia