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Tuesday's Talk

Tavia Robinson

“The universe will teach us our lessons with the tickle of a feather or the whomp of a sledgehammer, depending on how open we are to learning the particular lesson.”

-Gay Hendricks, The Big Leap

How do the words above resonate with you?

Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:

Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...

As the end of the year approaches, the door opens to do some reflecting. Reading Gay Hendricks this morning, focused my attention on life's lessons. The author shared these questions to ask yourself:

What life lessons could I be learning in a gentler way? think about that for a moment... do you prefer the feather or the sledgehammer..?
What do I need to do to learn my life lessons as gently as possible? spend some time here...

To help provide a softer landing for future learning opportunities, consider these steps from

5 Steps to Keep Learning and Expanding Your Skills: (by Atiba Shaikh

1. Know Yourself: Take stock of what you are already good at, and what skills you want to improve.

2. Push Your Boundaries: Take action, do things that bring you closer to your dreams, and help you expand your abilities.

3. Have Different Sources: Do your homework. Research multiple sources and connect with other people learning the same skill.

4. Make Use of Tools and Techniques: Take your skills to the next level. Practice the ones that are the most useful. Find a mentor. You can learn the same lessons they did without spending as much time or making as many mistakes.

5. Put Your Knowledge to Test: Test your skills, and see how you perform out in the wild. Do anything that puts your work outside of the learning environment, exposes you to the real situation, and enables you to act in the way a professional would.

“You just can't let life happen to you, you have to make life happen.” -Idowu Koyenikan,

Now, What are you willing to do?

Don’t miss your opportunity. Be intentional. Encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.

You got this!

Coach Tavia


Hendricks, Gay; A year of Living Consciously: 365 Daily Inspirations for Creating a Life of Passion and Purpose. Harper One, New York, NY 1998.

Hendricks, Gay; The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level. Harper One, New York, NY 2009.

5 Steps to Keep Learning and Expanding Your Skills




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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