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Tuesday's Talk

Tavia Robinson

“If you keep your pockets full of coins, you will always have small change.”

-Yoruba Proverb

How do the words above resonate with you?

Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:

Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...

There are many ways in can revive the quote above. I read it a few times and admittedly was not sure how to take it.

What do you believe the proverb above is saying? Sit with it a moment and come up with an answer...

Iyanla Vanzant quoted this proverb in discussing these universal laws:

The law of abundance: law of abundance refers to the unlimited sources of the universe. It says that everything we could ever need or want is already waiting and available to us.

If you expect to get something for nothing or if you feel good when you get something without paying for it you are violating the law of abundance.

The law of vibration: Each particle in this Universe is made of energy and is moving constantly. Whenever you perceive someone else’s emotions or whenever you become conscious of your own feelings, what you actually feel is the vibration energy. This is called the Law of Vibration.

Are you a bargain hunter? If so, you are violating the law of vibration. Cheap thoughts bring cheap returns. When you place yourself in low vibration, you draw things that vibrate on a low level.

The law of correspondence: This law states that patterns repeat throughout the universe, and on a personal level, our reality is a mirror of what's happening inside us at that moment. Think "As above, so below. As within, so without."

Do you begrudgingly spend money? Do you hate to pay bills? If so you are violating the law of correspondence. What you withhold from the universe will be withheld from you.

That is something to think about for sure... To help you live a more abundant life, check out these tools below:

15 Simple Ways to Live an Abundant Life: (

1. Make the best use of your time: Time management! Stay organized and focus on your goals. Things get easier life seems to be on the right track.

2. Know your strengths: Recognize your true potential and put it to work if you want to live an abundant life.

3. Celebrate your success: Celebrating your achievements keeps you motivated, which leads to a sense of fulfillment; a necessary ingredient for an abundant life.

4, Rise early: If you want to see true abundance in your life, make a habit to wake up early and take full advantage of the day ahead of you.

5. Learn a new skill: Learn a new skill not just for the potential to earn more but also to make your life more energetic and lively.

6. Never miss an opportunity: Opportunities will not wait for those who are fearful of coming out of their comfort zone, so if there's one knocking on the door make sure you let it in as soon as possible.

7. Have a few but true friends: Everybody needs a support system in life to get over disappointments and move on. Close friends are very helpful in this regard and they lend a shoulder to cry on and advice to keep you going no matter what.

8. Enjoy life: Never ruin a chance to enjoy life to it's fullest. It is the small things in life that matter the most so don't ignore these blessings if you want to be truly happy.

9. Forgive and forget: If you don't learn to forgive those who betray you at some point in time, you will never be able to move on. Life throws many challenges our way but the important thing is to move on from what happened and stay on the right path.

10. Stay away from doubt and fear: "The road to success is paved with doubters and haters." Fear of the unknown often holds us back from doing anything productive and therefore if you want to achieve your goals, you will have to overcome all your fears and doubts.

11. Make your own decisions: Making your own decisions will help you take control of your life and celebrate your achievements more meaningfully.

12. Feed your brain with positive thoughts: Negative thoughts can be our greatest enemy so we need to fight against it from within. Instead of becoming a slave to these thoughts, fill your brain up with positive ideas and plans.

13. Travel more: Everyone needs a break from the daily grind so don't forget to go on a vacation every now and then. It will break you free of all the negativity that often surrounds us and get back to work with renewed zest and energy.

14. Learn to say no: When and why it is important to say no to people plays a vital role in living an abundant life. Set healthy boundaries and know that it's ok not to have to commit to everything. Make time for yourself and what matters.

15. Follow your passions: If you are still not sure what your passions are, it's time to connect with them by making a list of your values and goals in life. Following your passion will help you to feel fulfilled.

"I AM the blessing. Abundance flows to e and through me. I don't have to lie, cheat, or finesse to get it and maintain it. Favor is fair." -Kierra C.T. Banks

Now, what are you willing to do to lead an more abundant life?

Don’t miss your opportunity. Be intentional. Encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.

You got this!

Coach Tavia


15 Simple Ways to Live an Abundant Life:

The 12 Universal Laws & How To Practice Them

Vanzant, Iyanla; Acts of Faith: Daily Meditations for People of Color. Atria, New York, NY 2020.




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