“Don’t let the fear of striking out hold you back.”
-Babe Ruth
How do the words above resonate with you?
Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:
Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
Fear is often at the root of what holds us back. We don’t like to admit it, or perhaps we don’t take the time to reflect or self assess long enough to even realize it.
What do you fear... what risk are you avoiding that continues to holds you back?
Gay Hendricks, psychologist and teacher in the field of personal growth, used the example of Babe Ruth's legacy to share a perspective about fear that resonated with me. Ruth’s name is synonymous with home runs, yet, he also struck out more than any other player while hitting all those homers. Think about that...
What would be your equivalent of hitting a home run?
What would be your equivalent of striking out?
Hendricks reminds us this obvious point we often seem to ignore:
…the strikeout can’t even happen unless you swing.
It is seldom the things you try and fail that deeply trouble you late in life...it’s the things you never tried to do at all.
Today’s Challenge: from Gay Hendricks, A Year of Living Consciously
Make a list of your top-five “home runs”. No less than 5 things you desire to knock out the park!
What would you accomplish if you swung big and connected? Focus on the positive... visualize your accomplishment... what would that look like..?
“When you take risks you learn that there will be times when you succeed and there will be times when you fail, and both are equally important.” — Ellen DeGeneres
Now, what’s your plan...What are you willing to do to secure the victory? It's up to you... your legacy...
Don’t miss your opportunity. Be intentional. Encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.
You got this!
Coach Tavia
#keeprising, #gratitude, #reach, #stretch, #honoryourself, #faceyourfears, #learnandgrow, #selfawareness, #selfimprovement, #selfcompassion, #faith, #believe, #ittakescourage, #focus, #shift, #trustyourself, #dothework, #shareyourgifts, #releaseyourpower, #knowyourworth, #leadbyexample, #justdoit, #lifecoach, #leadershipcoach, #leadershipdevelopment, #letsgo
Hendricks, Gay; A year of Living Consciously: 365 Daily Inspirations for Creating a Life of Passion and Purpose. Harper One, New York, NY 1998.