"When you ask for feedback, you not only find out how others see you, you also influence how they see you"
Are you an influencer?
Did you know being an influencer was a thing? I've heard the term... but had no idea that influencers make big money.
Depending on their following, influencers can expect to receive 1K to 100K per post,.. some demanding much more.
An influencer, by definition, is an individual who has the power to affect purchase decisions of others because of his/her authority, knowledge, position or relationship with his/her audience.
Think about that for a moment...
How is being an influencer relevant in your role as a leader?
Context matters of course...
How are you showing up? On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your level of confidence in your own ability to lead?
What is your expertise? How competent are you in your subject area or field of interest?
Who's your audience? Who are your serving? What is your relationship like with the people on your team?
Today's Challenge: Ask for feedback. Start the conversation in your circle. Compare how you see yourself, your strengths, with how others see you?
Want to create value in your life... become a good influencer.
#ittakescourage, #respect, #confidence, #passionforexcellence, #consistancy, #knowyourworth, #ownyoursrength, #authenticityissexy, #positiveinfluence
You got this!
Coach Tavia