"You can unpack the baggage."

Reading one of my favorite books this morning, I was reminded how impossible it is to separate ourselves from the past. The past has made us who we are. The past is part of us. Good or bad, the past has taught us many lessons. If we are fortunate enough to be present in this moment we will continue to learn and grow.
So how do we move forward without carrying the load of past memories we'd much rather leave behind? "Unpack the baggage!"
Take a look at the pain, guilt, and fear your experiences may be causing. Without shame, and without blame, see the past for what it is. Some things just don't work out. Remind yourself, no matter how bad it was, here you are, and you made it through.
Question: What did you discover when you unpacked the baggage from the past?
Today's Challenge: Unpack the baggage!
Free yourself... Be intentional... encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.
#lifecoach, #leadershipcoach, #learnandgrow, #personalgrowth, #selfawarness. #intention, #leadershipdevelopment, #powerforward
You Got this!
Coach Tavia
*Todays message was inspired by Iyanla Vansant's. Acts of Faith