“Laughter heals... In everything, there is a space, waiting to be filled, for that laughter.”
How do the words above resonate with you?
Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:
Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying. Think about it... Have you ever been in a bad mood and someone or something makes you laugh? Even if it’s only for a moment, you forget about your troubles.
When was the last time you had a good laugh?
Laughter is good medicine. It's a fact that laughter releases endorphins that promote an overall sense of well-being.
Leaders, what if you added laughter to your work and leadership style... how would that change the game?
...Something I hope you will consider... Your thoughts..?
Benefits of laughter: (from projectmanager.com by Jennifer Bridges)
Diffuses stress
Enhances problem-solving skills
Creates a new perspective
Elevates moods
Fosters better communication
Improves cooperation and empathy among people.
Which benefit above sounds attractive to you?
...How could this benefit your professional life...?
5 Key Leadership Principles that You Can Develop with Laughter:
(from finescityimprov.com)
1. INITIATION: Initiate and create something. Great leaders take action and are always creating. They have the courage to take responsibility, embrace mistakes, and adapt to change. * Be willing to take risks and commit to your choices. If we don’t believe in our ideas, why should anyone else?
2. TEAM-BUILDING: Build a strong team based on trust. Great leaders must have the ability to build effective teams, establish team trust, and collaborate with others. * We must learn to support each other’s ideas, trust in your partner, and strive to make others look good. “It’s not mine, It’s OURS.”
3. UNDERSTANDING: Seek understanding through active listening. Great leaders apply effective listening skills. They actively listen with an open mind and ensure that they reach mutual understanding. They are attuned to what is being communicated and how it is being communicated. *We must rely on our ability to be present and in the moment and react to what is happening around us, RIGHT NOW.
4. INNOVATION: Leverage the power of collaborative decision-making for innovation. Great leaders build off other’s strengths. They recognize and leverage the power of divergent strengths for problem solving and innovation. *We must agree to support each other’s ideas and trust that others can also add something of great value.
5. HUMOR: Laugh whenever you can. Work is stressful and humor is an excellent coping mechanism. A sense of humor is also a great attraction for others and helps a group of people bond together. We can’t always be laughing but we can certainly be happier people. *laughter helps develop a sense of humor in anyone while providing a respite from the stress of daily life. Let go and laugh!
I believe we all can benefit from not taking life and ourselves so seriously.
Of the 5 principles above, which principle will you commit to working on in order to improve your leadership effectiveness?
It's starts with YOU... Self-improvement...
How will you add laughter to your leadership role?
What are you willing to do..?
Don’t miss your opportunity! Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.
You got this!
Coach Tavia
Related Articles:
Laughter & Leadership: How Humor Can Make You a Leader
5 Key Leadership Principles that You Can Develop with Laughter