"By not standing firm and by not exercising tough love, we often cause the figurative “death” of others and sometimes ourselves, our goals, our destiny.”
-Deborah Smith Pegues
Good Morning Leaders,
In your work environment, who is the one you purposely avoid?
...there's always that one...
What issue have you been holding onto that you believe needs to be addressed?
Think about it... we often overlook and try to avoid situations that may be better addressed head on.
Why is confrontation so difficult?
John C.Maxwell reminds us that the purpose of confrontation is not to punish but to restore. Perhaps this will help.
The Goals of Healthy Confrontation:
Clarification- to get a better understanding of the person and the issue at hand.
Change- to get improvement, including self-improvement.
Relationship- deepen relationships with the person(s) involved.
Purity- purify the organization... as word gets out that the issue is being addressed.
Respect- raise the level of respect for the leader.
Security- members of the organization feel safe knowing their leader(s) are strong enough to take a stand.
I encourage all leaders to change your perspective... switch to that restorative mindset. The benefits of healthy confrontation far outweigh it's temporary discomfort.
You got this!
Coach Tavia
Clarification is often what is most needed. Too often we hear but haven't listened. The word "healthy" is most important because we are all around too many people who think they exist for confrontation. My mother used to say to me "everything that comes up doesn't have to come out. Think twice before you speak". Thank you Coach Tavia.
Thank you for this reminder. As I prepare for our first staff meeting, you’ve encouraged me to address things and not to avoid confrontation. Not all conflict is bad. I appreciate the reminder and I appreciate you! Thank you, Coach T!
Thanks for your daily inspirational messages and thank you for the options to vie situations differently and for giving me insight into human behavior. Peace be with you!