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Tuesday's Talk

Coach Tavia

“Life is a board game, and you hold the dice in your hand, controlling the next move. You decide where you go with your life. Wherever you may end up, may the odds be in your favor.”

How does the quote above resonate with you?

Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:

Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...

Life, as a game, is a metaphor going back centuries. Growing up, I remember playing board games at home with my family regularly, I actually learned how to play chess in school..

What was the first board game you learned how to play?

... think about that for a moment

What was the purpose of the game?

Think about your favorite board game. one you remember well... how was the winner determined....

Reread the quote above...

There are lessons to be learned from board games. And many skills we can teach young people about life through playing them. Question:

If life is a game, what’s your score?

Think about it for a moment... your life... your game... What is the purpose of your game?

As a player, what are you trying to accomplish...

What’s your strategy?

if that doesn't work, what's your back-up plan to regroup...

How will you know you’re winning?

HHhhummm ... think about this seriously for a moment... spend some time here...

On a scale of 1 - 10, how satisfied are you with the game you’ve created and the way you’ve chosen to play it?

Today's Challenge: Get back in the GAME and play to win! Do your homework: It's time to dust off the playbook.

  • Define the purpose of YOUR game

  • Set the rules and boundaries

  • What skills are needed to get back into the game?

  • How much time will you need to train, practice, and study your moves?

How are you playing?

  • Are you playing passionately

  • For the sheer joy...

  • Have you decided to play halfheartedly or not at all?

Captain: What's your role? Define it:

  • Whose on your team?

  • What other positions need to be filled?

  • What is your selection process or criteria?

  • What does your cheer squad look like?

Get back in the game! " hold the dice in your hand, controlling the next move. You decide where you go with your life. Wherever you may end up, may the odds be in your favor.”

What's your game... and how will you play to win?

Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens...

You got this!

Coach Tavia

*Reference: Some of the questions where taken from or inspired by A Year of Living Consciously by Gay Hendricks




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© 2019 Empower Coaching and Consulting

Created by The Clarke Groupe

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