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Tuesday's Talk

Coach Tavia

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”

                    -Anais Nin

How does the quote above resonate with you?

Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions: ...Take a deep breath in...  exhale slowly...  deep breath in...  exhale slowly...  deep breath in...  exhale slowly...  calm your mind and be present...

What is your definition of courage?

Think about it for a moment... Formulate an answer before you continue to read...

courage  |  noun    the ability to do something that frightens one. strength in the face of pain or grief. Courage is the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty, intimidation, and the ability to confront fear.

Is fear holding you back... What are you afraid of?

sit with this question... spend some time here...

We get in our own way. We give up too easily. Sometimes its out of fear... wanting to be accepted... afraid of ruining a relationship, or hurting someones feelings... But, at whose expense? Who is the looser?

It takes courage to accept ourselves for who we are, acknowledge our weaknesses, embrace our strengths and continue to learn and grow. Until we know who we are, we can not expect others to. Self-awareness is powerful and ever evolving. We must get up close and personal with self in order to face our fears. That takes courage.

How courageous are you?

On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your courage?

Today’s Affirmation:

(Gay Hendricks, A Year of Living Consciously)

I commit myself to full closeness and to clearing up anything within me that stands in the way.

Courage is a muscle that can be strengthened over time. Here are 10 ways to do just that. Let's do it!

10 Ways to Build Your Courage Muscle for Life: (by Margie Warrell,

1. Set a bold goal:

We fail far more from timidity than we ever do from over-daring.  Set yourself a bold goal that really lights you up, even if it scares you a little.   Most people underestimate themselves and never get to know what they’re capable of. Don’t be one of them. You’ve got to think bigger before you can act bigger

2. Say no to the good:

It’s very easy to fill your day being busy. The question is, busy doing what? If you are saying yes to the many “good” offers, invitations and opportunities that come your way, you could be using up all your capacity to pursue the truly great things waiting on you. Sometimes you have to say no to the good to create space for the great.

3. Ask for what you want:

People aren’t mind readers, and expecting them to know what you want often just ends in frustration and resentment. If there’s something you want, you’ve got to be willing to ask. Seriously, what have you got to lose? Even if they say no, at least you know where you stand.

4. Say sorry:

You aren’t perfect. You make mistakes. Be big enough to own it and apologize for what you did. Even if any hurt caused was unintentional, seek to make amends. Your relationships will be all the stronger for it.

5. Stand up for yourself:

It’s a general rule of life that you get what you tolerate.  So stand up for yourself, teach people how you expect to be treated and refuse to cower to those who seek to intimidate you.

6. Toot your own horn:

Many people wrongly equate self-promotion with conceit.  Advocating for yourself isn’t about proving superiority or stroking a needy ego; it’s about letting the people who can help you share your talents do just that. After all, the more people who know what you want, the more who can help you get it.

7. Dare to rock the boat:

“Whatever your career, you have to be willing to take risks, to speak up and to push back when you don’t agree with what others are thinking.” So don’t let your desire to be liked stop you from respectfully expressing your opinion. 

8. Stop digging:

 If there’s something you’ve been investing in (whether it be time, money or energy) that is clearly not working for you, have the courage to call it quits, learn whatever lessons you can, then move on. Every day you spend investing in something that isn’t moving you closer to what you most want is a day you aren’t investing in something that could. In short, if you’ve found yourself in a hole, stop digging.

9. Let the grudge go:

 “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” -Gandhi

Forgiving isn’t about forgetting the past, but letting go using it against people. And yourself. Letting it go enables you to move forward lighter and liberated.

10. Be decisive despite your uncertainty:

Often, fear of making a wrong decision keeps people from making a right one. While sitting safely on the fence of indecision can feel sensible in the short term, it can exact a steep toll on your success, business, relationships, finances and peace of mind. So take a few moments to sit quietly and tune into the inner voice of wisdom that knows what is best, then make the call. Life rewards action, not indecision.

How will you strengthen your courage muscle?

Start today! Be intentional encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.

You got this!

Coach Tavia

Related Article:

10 Ways to Build Your Courage Muscle for Life:




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