"I had to make my own living and my own opportunity. But I made it! Don't sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them."
- Madam C.J. Walker
How do the words above resonate with you?
Pause here a moment and free yourself from distractions:
...Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
Let’s focus on opportunity:
opportunity | noun a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.
an appropriate or favorable time or occasion.... a situation or condition favorable for attainment of a goal... a good position, chance, or prospect, as for advancement or success
Many ways to phrase it...
In your current situation, wherever you are, ask yourself;
What's the opportunity here?
...think about it for a moment... don't rush...dig deep...
In every situation and in every circumstance there is always an opportunity. Some obvious, others you may have to search for. If you are feeling stuck, overwhelmed, bored and just can’t seem to get into a routine or comfortable rhythm, I strongly encourage you look for the hidden opportunities.
Lifehack.org shares a few suggestions to help with this; (by Leon Ho)
1. Focus on the Positive: Research tells is that positive thinking is related to a longer life span, lower rates of depression, better psychological and physical well-being and copping skills.
Setbacks are inevitable... But how we decide to come out of them determines the rest of life's journey, It's important to train your brain to find opportunities over limitations.
What is something positive you can spend some time focusing on?
...Think about it... be patient with yourself...gratitude... time boding with family... a hobby... new goal...
2. The Beauty of a Blocker: Post-traumatic growth happens when a person experiences positive changes resulting from a major life crisis. This goes beyond resilience. It encourages personal growth, boosts confidence and you feel more empowered taking charge of future challenges.
Setbacks shift our perspective to recognize the value of not suffering, increases our empathy and allows us to see the importance of making the most of our lives.
Setbacks can bring people closer together especially after a shared experience. Social support is important to healing. Making those connections, discussing a processing hardships boots ones creativity and assists with meaning-making.
Be creative; who can you reach out to and start a conversation with during this time?
...think about it... a mentor... a friend you don't often have the time to talk to... a neighbor or other parents... just an idea...
3, What’s Stopping you Should be Your Main Focus (For Now): Let this obstacle be your main opportunity. Focus right there before tackling other aspects of your goals.
Focus is the way in which you deliberately target your energy to push progress in something you care about.
Visualize your desired outcome and set objectives to work on to reach that goal. This crisis will eventually be over.
What is you long term goal...visualize it? What focus objectives can you set and work on now to get you there?
...think about it... strategic planning... #letsgo
4. Get Moving to Get Unstuck: Create a new goal that can give you focus and motivation to make progress again. Don't let your limitations keep you stuck in a loop. The author offers these statements to guide you to get moving and find the hidden opportunity:
I'm limited by... (obstacle/constraint) because... (why it's a limitation)
It stops me from... (the thing you want to do)
Once you've identified the limitation you can work to find the turning point and assess the possibilities (The turning point is the key obstacle that if overcome, would open new opportunities that weren't available before.):
If only I could... (achievement) then I'd be able to... (the new possibility).
I have an opportunity to... (new possibility) by... (the achievement).
Don't miss your opportunity. It's time to get moving and pursue the life you're looking for. Get out of that rut! Your choice...
Let's engage in behavior that is personally rewarding. Who's with me?
How will you get moving today and discover the hidden opportunities?
Be intentional... encourage others to do the same and watch what happens...
You got this!
#focus, #yourchoice, #learnandgrow, #leadbyexample, #thistooshallpass, #getready, #bepositive, #justdoit, #levelup, #ittakescourage, #gratitude, #selfmotivation, #womenshistory, #herstory, #lifecoach, #leadershipcoach, #responsibility, #hiddenopportunity, #letsgo
Coach Tavia
Related Article: Stuck in a Rut? Find the Hidden Opportunity