“No need to play small—this is your life!”
-Valorie Burton, Get Unstuck, Be Unstoppable
How does the quote above resonate with you?
Pause here and free yourself from distractions:
...Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
This is your LIFE! ...Notice the exclamation point in Burton’s quote.
Exclamation marks are used to express excitement, surprise, astonishment, or some other strong emotion to add additional emphasis.
How are you living?
...seriously think about it... this is not a rhetorical question...
What are you doing these days that excites you?
...spend some time here... how easy is this question to answer..?
Playing small... think about that. Playing small means our actions are motivated by our fears, insecurities, low self-worth, and scarcity. It's impulsive, reactive and often frantic.
What part of playing small are you guilty of?
7 Signs You're Playing Small (And How to Stop) by Apryl Beverly
1. You wait to be asked: Jumping out there is uncomfortable... it's much better to sit quietly and avoid the embarrassment of putting your foot in your mouth.
STOP: If you wait to be asked the opportunity may never come. Know what you want and go for it! don't miss your opportunity.
2. Fear defeats you: You can't bring yourself to share your gifts with the world. You keep your talents to yourself and complain about not being able to live out your dreams.
STOP: When God gives us a gift, we are obligated to bless others with it.
3. Criticism crushes you: You can get 100 people to give you incredible feedback, but let one person criticize you and it's the end of the world.
STOP: Nobody's perfect and everybody is not going to love you. That doesn't discredit your success or talent. Use criticism to make yourself better.
4. You hide your voice: You believe your voice isn't good enough so you'll just steal someone else's who is already winning.
STOP: She's winning because she's being herself. " ...Remind yourself. Nobody built like you, you design yourself..." Jay Z, A Dream, Blueprint 2. #youareenough
5. "No" murders your hustle: When someone tells you "no" you see it as confirmation you're a looser. Hearing "no" makes you want to give up.
STOP: You are going to hear dozens of no's before you hear one yes. That's just how life works. Never give up!
6. You crowd your life with insignificant shit: You're busy running errands, cooking dinner, watching reality TV, tuning in every week for the scandal... The real scandal is you're your not doing anything you should be doing to achieve your dreams... and wonder why you're stressed and depressed... life feels empty.
STOP: You can't do everything. Prioritize... set your DVR and schedule a pizza day to catch up.
7. Nobody knows what you do: You're a giver. Your share your wisdom on social media. But when it comes to telling people what you do, you have no words. People should just guess what you do or stalk your Facebook page because you're so awesome.
STOP: No one's going to search for your fairy dust. Either you sprinkle it on them or somebody else will. You've got to tell everybody what you do. Be true to who you are and let people know your superpower.
"There's no passion to be found playing small... in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living."
-Nelson Mandela
What's your superpower?
...that God given talent that is uniquely yours...
How will you share your gifts with the world?
Start today! Be intentional and encourage others to do the same. Watch what happens.
You got this!
#timesup, #shareyourgifts, #STOP, #LIVE, #authenticityissexy, #speakup, #justdoit, #befearless, #ittakescourage, #focus, #yougotthis, #leadbyexample, #levelup, #onpurpose, #followyourpassion, #yourstory, #makehistory, #lifecoach, #leadershipcoach, #whatsuccesslookslike, #letsgo
Coach Tavia
Related Article: 7 Signs You're Playing Small (And How to Stop)