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Tuesday's Talk

Coach Tavia

"Failure happens all the time. What makes you better is how you react to it."

-Mia Hamm, Soccer Icon

How does the quote above resonate with you?

Pause here:

...take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...

What is your definition of failure?

...think about that for a moment... your personal definition... come up with a definition before you move on...what does failure mean to you...?

The dictionary defines failure this way:

failure | noun lack of success. the omission of expected or required action.

Failure is the state or condition of not meeting a desired or intended objective, and may be viewed as the opposite of success.

How does the dictionary definition compare with your definition of failure?

...think about it...

I challenge you to not let failure define you. Failure is a thing, not a person. Refuse today to allow people, the world around us, your boss, best friend , or social media to set the standard. Define failure, (or success for that matter) for yourself.

How can you turn failure into success?

Changing your definition of failure will go a long way.

LifeHacker,com Offers some helpful Dos and Don's by Dyan Williams:

The Dos:

  • Do Feel and Reflect: Don't ignore how you feel after a failure. You owe it to yourself to process the feelings whatever they are without getting overly attached to them

  • Do Claim Appropriate Responsibility: Think about your role in the situation and decide what you can do differently and better going forward. Blaming yourself for events outside your control or constantly rescuing others signals you are taking on too much responsibility.

  • Do Admit and Reframe: When you acknowledge missteps you free up your energy to refocus on moving forward. Get real about what success looks like- "dedicated work and true grit, coupled with mistakes and uncertainty."

  • Do Take Effective Action: Drop the drama associated with trying. Set out specific action steps that you must take. If you fail to complete them, regroup and reset.

The Don'ts are self explanatory:

  • Don't Blow off Failure and Move On Too Quickly

  • Don't Blame Make Excuses

  • Don't Deny and Cover up

  • Don't Give up Easily

View failure as an opportunity to begin again intelligently. Learn what you can from your mistakes the get back in the game. Be Intentional And watch what happens. Encourage others to do the same. Don't miss your opportunity.

How will you react to failure today?...what's your plan..?

You got this!

Coach Tavia

Related Article: Change Your Definition of Failure: It's How You Get Better




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