"I am lucky that whatever fear I have inside me, my desire to win is always stronger"
-Serena Williams
How does the above quote resonate with you?
Pause here for a moment: Deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
Whether you are a tennis fan or not, I am positive there is not a person reading this blog that has not heard of Serena Williams: Born 1981, has won 23 major single titles, was ranked #1 by the WTA for the first time in 2002, married, beautiful daughter...
Rereading the quote above, not sure I believe luck had anything to do with her success.
What do you make of it?
...How do you think Serena was able to reach this level of success..?
What do you desire?
What does success look like for you?
What are you willing to do to make it happen?
I strongly believe "Mindset" is the key. In the article. "Five Ways To Develop A Winning Mindset," the author reminds us that the journey is the destination. Successful people work hard to succeed and then work twice as hard to maintain success.
A winning mindset is built over time.
How will you develop a winning mindset?
...something to think about...
Here is a suggestion:
Five Ways To Develop A Winning Mindset: Dionne Mahaffey Forbes Coaches Council
1, Don't rely on your talent. A winning mindset understands that the difference between making it a hobby or a business is the discipline and work you put behind it.
2. Build your grit. Grit, the combination of passion and perseverance for a unique, long-term goal. The ability to rebound from adversity and maintain focus is the greatest contributor to success.
3. Generate momentum with small steps. "Build your wave, then ride it." You reach your goals with consistent baby steps. Give yourself credit for small gains.
4. Trust your vision. Be adaptable but, stay true to your vision. You have to possess unshakable trust that your ideas will work. Stay optimistic against all odds.
5. Take action. You can't sit in complacent inaction and still succeed... at some point you have to make a move. Be willing to take action, even potentially incorrect action, and make it a habit. look at failure as an opportunity to lean from your mistakes.
Today's Challenge: Strengthen your desire to win! We all have strengths, unique talents, things that we are passionate about and dreams that go unfulfilled because we don't tale action. Commit to developing a winners mindset. Post these 5 steps and begin to develop/redevelop your winning spirit. Share with others and engourage them to do the same.
#befearless, #focus, #mindset. #dreambig, #justdoit, #commitment, #desire, #win, #whatsuccesslookslike, #learnandgrow, #levelup, #leadbyexample, #followyourpassion,
You got this!
Coach Tavia
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