"Only the truth of who you are, if realized, will set you free."
-Eckhart Tolle
Authenticity is the true superpower... Do you agree?
Authenticity, the quality of being authentic... not false or copied... genuine real... representing one's true nature or beliefs... being true to oneself.... the person you were born to be....
Why is it so difficult to be yourself?
..sit with this thought for a moment,,, pause right here...breathe in deeply and exhale slowly.... repeat three times... calm your mind and be present with your thoughts.....
Many of us seem to have lost our authenticity. Dahhaj, in his article "The Power of Authenticity" shares some of the traps we fall into that pushes us away from living authentically::
Culture pushes values on us that we don't/didn't choose.(luxury, money, flashy things...)
Most of us don't know what our values are at all. If you don't choose your values, society will choose them for you.
We fear what others think (the opinions of parents, friends, boss..)
Who are you?
...this question may not be as easy to answer as it should be... think about it...dig deep... and be true to yourself... in a complete sentence, who are you...?
What's your story?
...what would people be surprised to know about you...? what is your unique gift...?
What are you afraid of?
think about it for a moment and be honest with yourself...
I challenge you to be open and allow yourself to be fully present and comfortable with who you are. Authenticity is powerful, and freeing. It is also a life-long process.
Today's Affirmation: "I am willing to move forward so that I will become my true authentic self. The solutions I seek will now be absolutely clear to me and because of this I am now going to interact with others based on what is right for me. I lovingly express my choices to others as I am free to be my powerful true authentic self."
How will you show up today?
#Authenticityissexy, #youhavearighttoyouruniqueness, #honoryourself, #fearless, #youareenough, #beautifullyandwonderfullymade, #youwerebornforthis, #powerful, #ittakescourage, #learnandgrow, #beabetteryou, #befearless, #values, #yourchoicechoosewisely, #Hedosentmakemistakes, #freedom, #truth
You got this!
Coach Tavia