"In a world where you can be anything be kind."
Good Morning All,
Whether you celebrate the holidays or not, I hope we all find ways to keep our spirits on a positive note. As we reflect while the year comes to a close, it can often lead some of us to a dark place..
Lets turn this around. Kindness is a little thing with limitless positive affects. Those affects being contagious!
"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible."
-The Dalai Lama
How will you intentionally be kind today?
A few ideas:
1. Create a Kindness Bulletin Board at work: Decorate a bulletin board with kindness quotes. Leave an open space for employees to write positive, uplifting messages about a co-worker. it can be anonymous
2. Bring in Coffee for Coworkers: Coworkers who are not morning people will especially appreciate this gesture. Spark up a conversation, build a relationship in the process...
3. Start Every Meeting with a Kindness Quote: It gives employees a nice thought to ponder. Just Google Kindness quotes
4. Open a Door for Someone: In a world where we are always rushing... slow down and intentionally look for opportunities to be helpful.
5. Write a Thank You Card: So unexpected and always appreciated... Leave a note of a co-worker or supervisor's desk that has done something for you.
6. Smile: It is good for all of us and actually changes our brain chemistry in positive ways.
7. Write and Share Kind Notes: Randomly leave nice notes on someone's desk. Whatever it says, whether you sign your name or leave it anonymously it will make someone's day!
8. Celebrate One Another: Give a shout out at a meeting, or go big and silly, it will being a smile to their face and serve as a reminder that they are appreciated.
9 Give a Genuine Compliment: It's like a hug for the brain... it makes the other person feel appreciated, seen, and sometimes even loved.
10. Consider starting a Kindness Challenge at work: Be creative... If not you Who? Do it TODAY!
How will you spread kindness in your workplace?
#bekindalways, #justdoit, #watchwhathappens, #leadbyexample, #spreadjoy, #intentionally, #levelup, #smile, #bepresent, #learnandgrow, #shareyourgifts
You Got This!
Coach Tavia
Related Article:
14 Ways to Spread Kindness at Work: