“You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.”
-Maya Angelou
How do the words above resonate with you?
Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:
Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
What does "you are enough" really mean to you?
We have heard the phrase used many times before. Believe you are enough… I am enough…. Somehow the phrase leads to, BLANK is full of themselves....” This is generally not a compliment.
In the Urban Dictionary, full of yourself describes:
Insensitive people with an exaggerated sense of self-worth, to the point they can't see a thing beside themselves.
Reading Iyanla Vanzant this morning turned this concept on it head. From the book Until Today: Daily Devotions for Spiritual Growth and Peace of Mind, the author introduces the term feel-full-ness.
Feel-full-ness means:
you know that you have what it takes to make a valuable contribution to the experience
you are full of yourself, within yourself, in a very loving and positive way
you have nothing to prove
there is nothing anyone has or can do that you cannot have or do
you are not afraid to make a mistake
you are not shy about telling the truth
you establish and maintain clear boundaries and you honor the boundaries others set for themselves
You trust that just as you are, you are more than enough.
Enter every experience in life with a sense of feel-full-ness!
How will you share the fullness of who you are with the world?
“Accept that you are enough. You don't need to be anything that you are not.”
-Wayne Dyer
What are you willing to do?
Don’t miss your opportunity! Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.
You got this!
Coach Tavia
#youareenough, #trustyourself, #learnandgrow, #youmatter, #honoryourself, #live, #ownyourpower, #ittakescourage, #commitment, #thinkforyourself, #believe, #beconsistent, #selfawareness, #selfdiscovery, #maximizeyourpotential, #shareyourgifts, #seizeopportunity, #becreative, #reflect, #reach, #stretch, #bepresent, #faith, #confidence, #dothework, #leadbyexample, #justdoit, #lifecoach, #leadershipcoach, #leadershipdevelopment
Vanzant, Iyanla; Until Today: Daily Devotions for Spiritual Growth and Peace of Mind. Atria, New York, NY 2020.