“The gem cannot be polished without friction.”
-Chinese Proverb
Good Day to all the Gems,
How do you handle adversity?
... Think about that for a moment... take a deep breath... exhale slowly...
What is your first reaction when confronted with an adverse situation?
Be honest with yourself... it's all about learning and growing...
Is your reaction different at work than in social settings?
Should it be? ...Why... explain...
Something to thinking about... Adversity is inevitable. At some point we all face it and if we learn from it and move on we will begin to see just how resilient we are.
Make a Commitment to yourself: I commit to learning from experience when necessary, and to learning from wisdom when possible. I commit to learning from wisdom when doing so can prevent unnecessary pain to me and others. (Gay Hendricks, A Year of Living Consciously)
Saurabh Tyagi shares: 5 Ways Top Leaders Overcome Adversity:
1. Determination- Never underestimate the power of persistence! The one quality that will guarantee you success is the willingness to stick with it.
2. Take Responsibility- Own your actions that have led to the situation and respond in a way that works in your favor. Take a positive approach. Channel your energy in the right direction.
3. Treat Negative Feedback as a Gift- Interpret negative feedback as a learning opportunity. How can you make better use of your abilities the next time?
4. Focus on Your Strengths- It is your strengths that will come to rescue and help you survive during struggling times.
5. Identify New Goals- Realign your goals and establish a new direction to move on. Take stock of the situation. Once you have a better understanding of the situation, have new goals for the future and work to achieve them.
When you face adversity today, ask yourself: What can I learn from this?
#whatsuccesslookslike, #resilience, #determination, #leadership, #Responsibility, #leadbyexample, #levelup, #learnandgrow, #goals, #shareyourgifts,
You got this!
Coach Tavia
Related Article:
5 Ways Top Leaders Overcome Adversity