“Few is the number who think with there own minds and feel with their own hearts.”
-Albert Einstein
The words in reading A Year of Living Consciously, by Gay Hendricks caught my attention this morning:
“... beware of those who would sell us a comfortable prison called security...”
Think about that for a moment...
How does that statement resonate with you?
What have you been working toward that has ultimately imprisoned you..?
Take a deep breath... exhale... and sit with that question for a moment...
Financial security... job security... the security of a relationship... a secure mortgage... the list could continue...
Where did these thoughts come from that this is what one should be after?
Are these your own authentic thoughts, feelings and desires... or did someone program you to think them?
I challenge you to think for yourself. As you go through the day ask yourself, Where did these thoughts come from? Is this what I really want... or is it coming from someone else?
Something to think about...
You got this!
Coach Tavia