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Thursday's Thoughts

Coach Tavia

"Trust is a critical pillar in any relationship, in every transaction and action, in every capacity of our lives.”

Good Morning Leaders,

Question:  Are you trustworthy?

Trust is a thing, a noun meaning-

firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

Are you able to be relied on as honest and truthful?

Relationships have to be built on trust.

7 Scientifically Proven Ways to Earn Trust as a Leader

(by Dr. Michelle Reina, Reina A Trust Building Consultancy )

  1. Ask what you can give. Get in the trenches, help, role up your sleeves... Intense emotions get stirred when people are authentically supported to achieve their life's work.

  2. Facilitate breakthrough conversations. Help people catch themselves... tune into misalignment and mixed signals. Support people to gain clarity and course correct.

  3. Let people know what they can count on. No one expects you to have all the answers. At a time when change is the new norm, and often difficult, let your team know where things stand, Keep them informed. Let them know what they can count on you for.

  4. Provide whole person feedback. Your poorest performer has poignant gifts to bring to the table and your highest performer has unproductive habits to address. Use feedback to genuinely support steps forward. for those that are willing to work, you will become their trusted source of inspiration.

  5. Draw the line against gossip. Gossip is the number one killer of trust. Don't participate in it, don't let it slide, don't consider it business as usual. Step into vulnerability, help people learn to talk with each other if they have issues and concerns. People trust leaders who male it safe to stretch and make mistakes without being the brunt of office gossip.

  6. Speaking of mistakes...embrace yours! When was the last time you embraced a mistake as a ready-made opportunity to build trust? How did you leverage it- share it- for others to benefit?

  7. Know thyself. Trust is built behaviorally. Your best intentions are not enough. You've got to back those intentions up with how you show up. The most trustworthy leaders are acutely self-aware.

The daily breaking news reflects a serious issue of trust overwhelming this country.

Who do you trust?


Whatever your individual circumstance is; family, personal, social, or in the workplace, your experience is just a microcosm of what’s going on in the nation and beyond..,

Where does it stop?

It starts with YOU!  In urgent times one can no longer continue to be silent.

How will YOU create a climate and culture of trust in your work environment?

One of my favorite quotes sums it up nicely: “Trust is earned, respect is given, and loyalty is demonstrated.  Betrayal of any of these is to loose all three.”

       -Ziad K. Abdelnour

You got this!

Coach Tavia




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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