"I have yet to find the man, however exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism."
-Charles Schwab
Good Morning Leaders,
Think of a person that you’d describe as being charismatic.
Who comes to mind?
What makes them so?
Sit with that question until a picture comes to mind...
CHARISMA is that compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire others. An indescribable magnetism or personal magic...
In your leadership role, how important is CHARISMA?
Think about it for a moment...
Are people drawn to you?...
Now dig a little deeper and think about why or why not..?
Today’s Task: Focus on your #charisma. Have the conversation with someone you trust. Ask them: What was your first impression of me? Is there a certain quality that you find welcoming... or unfriendly?
Question to ask yourself: Does their impression of me match the impression I have of myself?
How am I showing up?
Leaders, first impressions can seal the deal. It’s up to you. Think about it, work on you!
You got this!
Coach Tavia