“Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.”
– Winnie the Pooh
How do the words above resonate with you?
Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:
Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
When was the last time you did nothing?
...Think about that for a moment... absolutely nothing... not talking... reading...errands... cleaning... scrolling social media....
Reading, “A Year of Living Consciously” by Gay Hendricks this morning, I was struck by this question:
If each time you approached the television, you first asked yourself what else you could be doing, with whom you could be engaging, what might the answer be?
Many thoughts ran through my head and I could not quite settle on a definitive answer.
Intellectually there are many things I could say I’d do and hope I would do... but would I..?
Could I be still long enough to focus on doing something else..?
Then I said, but wait, that’s still doing... Television serves as background noise for me at home. Lately however, I found myself paying more attention to its negative effects. It's important to be in the know, but sometimes the news is just plain depressing. I turn it off...
I could not wrap my head around the concept of doing nothing though...
What does doing nothing look like to you?
is that something you can visualize... try it...
I found this article that shared some really interesting information:
*Why Doing Nothing is Actually One of the Best Things You Can Do:
Our culture equates busyness with both high status and moral virtue.
Rates of depression, anxiety, and stress are increasing as the doingness of life seems to have little counterbalance. The ‘doing’ side of our nature needs a ‘being’ side to be in balance.”
Studies show at the end of our lives most don’t regret not working more or not developing themselves and their talents, but rather they regret that they worked so much.
choosing to chill out and do nothing can bring us just as much joy as goal-accomplishment.
People feel guilty about dong nothing or not being productive, they think it's selfish.
Why is it so easy for us to buy-in to the idea busy is better?
...Think about that seriously... spend some time hear,,,?
Today’s Challenge: TV Cold Turkey... can you do it?
For the next 24 hours, commit to doing anything but watching Television.
Document what you feel and be honest with yourself.
Don’t judge yourself, but do not give in to the feelings.
Read, talk, walk, dream, write, or do absolutely nothing... just be.
Give it a try. It's tougher than you think, but the benefits are bountiful. For the over-achievers who accept this challenge, I recommend doing this once a week.
“Learning without reflection is a waste, reflection without learning is dangerous”
– Confucius
We can run from ourselves but can't hide in the end. Honor yourself by scheduling 10 minutes of doing nothing daily. Just be...
Don’t miss your opportunity! Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.
You got this!
Coach Tavia
Related Article:
Why Doing Nothing is Actually One of the Best Things You Can Do