“Leaders who remain teachable receive ongoing blessings.”
-John C Maxwell
How do the words above resonate with you?
Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:
Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
What are you learning?
...Think about that question...
I was raised to believe (and now choose to believe) there is a lesson in everything. I didn’t sleep very well last night. Thoughts continued to run through my head and I had trouble processing it all... trying to figure out what’s the lesson here..?
My inner voice, (she’s a bit of a control freak) clearly said to me: You know exactly what the lesson is, you just don’t like what you’re leaning...
LOL... she was absolutely right. not happy at all with all the lessons life has been teaching me lately.
Note to self: You can't always choose the classes you take... passing the test however, is your choice.
"To whom much is given, much is required"... I choose to pass... with honors!
In my reading this morning, Gay Hendricks, psychologist, author, and notable personal growth and relationship specialist, posed these questions:
How teachable are you?
...no one can do everything but we all can do something...
Where does responsibility fit into your priorities about relationships? ...think about your relationships with family, work, community, government, and most of all self...
How do you impact the world around you?
...what you do and how you respond affects others, think about that...
Each of us relate to the world very differently, based on our personal frame of reference. It's important to figure out how to co-exist, respect ourselves an others, and hold ourselves and others accountable for things that matter.
Based on your passion(s), what’s your responsibility?
...spend some time here...
We can no longer be silent about things that matter. It’s time to stand up, speak up, pick a lane, and do what you can to make a positive impact in the areas that speak to your passion.
Conscious Living Practice For Today: Each time you face a task today, whether you enjoy it or detest it, “Watergate” your approach.
Ask yourself:
How (if at all) did I create this task that is facing me?
What actions of mine have created what now faces me?
What do I get out of this task?
What can I now do to create the outcome I desire?
(From A Year of Living consciously, by Gay Hendricks)
“There is nothing noble about being superior to some other man. The nobility is in being superior to your previous self.”
-Hindu Proverb
How will you take responsibility for getting the outcomes you desire?
Aim for nobility not superiority... It starts with YOU!
Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and what what happens.
You got this!
Coach Tavia
#leaderslead. #learnandgrow. #passthetest, #followyourpassion, #responsibility, #accountability, #yourchoice, #towhommuchisgivenmuchisrequired, #focus, #learnthelesson, #levelup, #nobilityissexy, #speakup, #payattention, #justdoit, #leadershipdevelopment, #leadershipcoach, #lifecoach, #honoryourself, #youmatter