"Treat a man as he appears to be and you make him worse. But treat a man as if he already were what he potentially could be, and you make him what he should be.”
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
How does the quote above resonate with you?
Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:
Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
How do you react when you’re approached by someone’s evil twin?
...you know exactly what I mean and can picture them... LOL... so be honest with your answer...
How do most people feel when they’re around you?
...interesting perspective... spend some time here.... What can you do to inspire greatness in others?
....This is your charge or maybe your challenge... think about it...
I received this inspiration early this morning from reading Leadership Promised for Every Day by, John C. Maxwell. The quote above made me really stop and think. Ask yourself:
What is my responsibility here?
...yup, even if none of it is your fault...
How should I react?
...with equal energy... with compassion/concern... defuse or walk away....
We are human and we have triggers. What bothers some may not bother others. Also, depending on where the situation occurs, at home, socially, among friends, on the job or in professional settings, may influence ones reaction. But, should it?
" Don't allow your attitude to overshadow your ability... Don't loose your composure"
10 Effective Ways Intelligent People Deal With Rude People:
(by Deep Patel entrepreneur.com)
1. Realize that rudeness is nothing new: Rudeness can often become a habit for some people. We forget the importance of showing kindness, sympathy and understanding to others. Don't allow the negative behaviors of others to have a negative affect on you.
2. Stop the spiral of rudeness: One act of rudeness can easily spiral and spread like disease. We've seen it happen. With a little empathy you can defuse rudeness with kindness. Choose to defuse!
3. Don't take rudeness personally: We've all had bad days. Realizing that the offending person may be having one of those days puts things in perspective. Give them a pass.
4. React to rudeness with kindness: Stay friendly and positive. This gives the other person a chance to calm down and adjust their behavior to match yours. Set a calm and well-mannered example. If it doesn't work, take pride in knowing you didn't lower your standards.
5. Use humor to defuse a difficult person: A rude and difficult person can create tension and anxiety in themselves and everyone around them. Humor can create a diversion and break the tension, allowing everyone to laugh it off.
6. Call the person out on his or her behavior: You should never allow anyone to treat you in a disrespectful way. If someone you can't get away from is constantly rude to you, you need to address the issue directly. Have the conversation. Sometimes the offender is not even aware how they are being perceived. By making them aware, it gives them a chance to apologize and try to be more polite.
7. Don't escalate: Remember you only can control your own behavior. Choose not to give into the drama. Take a deep breath and give yourself space to calm down if someone upset you. Maintain your dignity and rise above the fray.
8. Show empathy and sympathy: Try to understand why the person is being rude. If you know someone is having a difficult time let them know you understand, You might find a way to mention you've had a rough day too. Don't judge them. Let it go.
9. Be a good role model: People have all kinds of ulterior motives for acting as they do. Some use rudeness as a way of showing dominance or power... to provoke a reaction and make you look bad. Don't give them the satisfaction of seeing you angry. Display the kind of behavior you expect from those around you.
10. Avoid the rude person: Sometimes it's best to just walk away. By avoiding habitually rude people, you take away their audience. If everyone around them begins giving them a wide berth, perhaps it will be a wake-up call.
Today's Challenge: In all situations, inspire the positive potential in others.
Be a good role model. Set a good example
Choose to defuse
Show empathy, compassion and understanding
Humor may help
know when to walk away
Remember to be the change you want to see in others and never lower your personal standards even in difficult situations.
How will you show up today?
Be intentional... inspire others to do the same and watch what happens.
You got this! #learnandgrow, #beabetteryou, #leadbyexample, #levelup, #justdoit, #honoryourself, #bekindalways, #responsibility, #choice, #choosetobehappy, #lofecoach, #leadershipcoach, #focus, #intention, #lesershipdevelopment, #letsgo
Coach Tavia
Related Article:
10 Effective Ways Intelligent People Deal With Rude People: