"Acceptance looks like a passive state, but in reality it brings something entirely new into this world. That peace, a subtle energy vibration, is consciousness."
-Eckhart Tolle
Good Morning Leaders,
I trust you are embracing with joy all the opportunities that the new year is making available...
Or perhaps you are feeling somewhat stressed or overwhelmed with the idea of keeping up with all the promises you made to yourself...
Pause here...take a deep breath... exhale slowly... repeat three times or more if needed... calm your mind and be present with your thought....
Now ask yourself: Is there anything in my life I'm avoiding facing and accepting?
Gay Hendricks reminds us, in his book "A year of living Consciously": Stress and tension are caused not by the events of life itself but by avoiding four required responses to the events. The more you avoid responding, the more tension builds up not only in your body but in the body of organizations
The 4 Keys to Living a Conscious Life:
(FACT: The 4 Required Responses: Facing, Accepting, Choosing/Committing, Taking Action)
1. Facing:
When our lives are not working, there is always something we are not facing... Facing is seeing reality.
What do I most need to face right now?
2. Accepting:
You can't change what you don't acknowledge. Once you face something, your have to welcome in into the wholeness of your self and deal with all the feelings that may come up. Accepting is harmonizing.
What most needs to be accepted and welcomed in to the wholeness of myself?
3. Choosing and Committing:
There is the moment when you decide something significant... then commit to that choice. It is only through commitment that choice becomes real One either commits 100 percent or not at all.
Where is my commitment lacking?
4. Taking Action:
Until we take action our potential lies in reserve.
What actin is the crucial next step?
"All human unhappiness comes from not facing reality squarely, exactly as it is."
Live consciously... enjoy life, don't avoid it,.. face what is... accept it... choose and commit to move forward... and be intentional about taking action. Watch what happens.
#Acceptance, #faceyourfears, #leadbyexample, #beintentional, #behappy, #live, #levelup, #2020goals, #beabetteryou,, #commitment, #justdoit, #change, #honoryourself
You got this!
Coach Tavia