"To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect."
-Oren Arnold
Good Morning All,
Let's be intentional about starting this day on a positive note. Whether you celebrate the Holidays or not, this time of year allows us to reflect, refocus, regroup, and make a plan to enter the coming year better and stronger.
Think of the quote above as a shopping list to check off today:
To your enemy- forgiveness
To an opponent- tolerance
To your friend(s)- your heart
To a customer- service
To ALL- charity
To every child- a good example
To yourself- respect
How would this day change if everyone made an honest effort to accept this challenge today?
...Think about that for a moment... Take a deep breath.... exhale slowly... reread the list above...
What can you do to make it happen?
It starts with YOU!
Today's Challenge: Copy this list, write it down or type it in the notes section of your phone. share it with at least 5 people today and make a commitment to being successful at checking off all 7 items today as the opportunity presents itself.
Be kind while doing it...
Today's Kindness Challenge: See how many people you can smile at today. It's contagious you know. Make somebody's day!
Don't miss your opportunity... Watch what happens...
#bekindalways, #beabetteryou, #itstartswithyou, #spreadlove, #leadbyexample, #beintentional, #leadership, #forgiveness, #service, #tolerance, #respect, #justdoit, #levelup, #letsgo, #shareyourgifts
You got this!
Coach Tavia