This time of the year gives us an opportunity to pause and reflect on the important things around us...
How will you avoid the Holiday Blues? And encourage others to do the same...
Pause for a moment... take a deep breath in, exhale slowly... Slow down that brain of yours... repeat, deep breath...exhale slowly... sit with your thoughts, clear them, and be present in this moment...
Avoid Toxic People This Season:
We all have choices and you are NOT required to engage with people if their negativity has a harmful effect on you. You can't control other peoples behavior but you can choose how you respond and what you will tolerate.
Avoid them whenever possible
If you can't avoid them, "Kill them with kindness". Hurt People hurt people. Often responding to someone's toxicity/negativity with kindness and love changes the entire game... leaving you both in a better mood.
Be Grateful for the People Around You:
Family memories and thoughts of friends that are no longer with us can sometimes trigger anxiety and depression... let's turn this around:
Acknowledge the feelings, remember the good times,, and share those thoughts with others. You're not alone, and sharing allows others to do the same.
Reach out to friends you haven't spoken to... get out... turn on your favorite music... intentionally make an effort to do the things that make you happy.
Be grateful for friends and family that you are able to share the holiday with. Focus on who‘s here and let them know you appreciate them.
Be Thankful for What You Have:
Do NOT get caught up in media drama and consumerism. It's all hype... man made hype at that!. #dontfallforit
Stop focusing on what you don't have.
Stick to a budget for gift giving, don't allow yourself to feel pressured to overspend.
Remember the reason for the season
Make a donation to your favorite charity or children's toy drive. Remember donating your TIME also counts...
Today's Kindness Challenge: Let's be INTENTIONAL...
Leave a positive message or handwritten note for someone to find. Make sure your message is genuine and meaningful. Watch what happens!
#letsgo, #Intention, #leadbyexample, #justdoit, #dontmissyouropportunity, #kindnessmatters, #bekindalways, #itscontagious, #pause, #bepresent, #smile
You got this!
Coach Tavia