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Thursday's Thoughts

Coach Tavia

“Many times what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks, but a special heart that LISTENS.”

Are you really listening to others?

I had to think about this and I hope you will too...

Listening is a lost art. It’s more than just hearing words. Listening is a powerful tool that can have a positive impact on your effectiveness as a leader.

Today's Affirmation: I am becoming a better listener.

Level I: Internal Listening:

Awareness is on ourselves. Spotlight on “me”: my thoughts, my judgments, my feelings, my conclusions about myself and others.

Level II: Focused Listening Sharp focus on the other person. Not much awareness of the outside world. You listen for the words, expressions, emotions, tone, body language everything the other person brings.

Level III: Global Listening Everything you can observe with your senses, what you see, hear, smell, feel. Tactile as well as emotional sensations. This includes the action, inaction, and the interaction.

How would you rate your level of listening?

Is it different at school, work, socially....? Should it be...?

How is it working out? Do people love to come to talk to you? Do they open up easily in your presence?

I challenge you to work on LISTENING today:

  • Make eye contact with the person you’re talking to...

  • put your cell phone down...

  • paraphrase to clarify and insure you understand.

  • Show empathy, AVOID interjecting your own judgments, opinions, or feelings.

How will you intentionally improve your listening skills today?

You got this!

Coach Tavia🌞

Related Articles:

Listening is an Overlooked Leadership Tool:

6 Ways Effective Listening Can Make You a Better Leader:




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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